hey guys, up here in my apartment complex we have a bunch of weights n stuff, and for bench all we have is a smith machine. is this going to ruin my bench at all? i mean ive noticed some gains in the couple months ive used it, but im worried i wont be working my pecs and other muscles like with a regular bench and barbell.
That sucks man. Can’t join a normal gym?
If the answer really is no, use the smith machine. It’s better than nothing. But try and do some “balance” work too. Maybe some one-armed pushups or something. This will help to keep your stabilizers working.
Got dumbbells?
Db press.
Or, when no one’s looking, sell the Smith on Craigslist and use the money to buy a barbell and a bench.
Man I hate Smith machines.
But, I guess they are good if thats all you have. And when you have no one to spot you.
Its just that the movement isnt natural and that you are just restricted in movement. You really dont have to balance anything. You just kind of hold it and press it.
I would do as some of the other post say and try to find some DB or something.
But, at least you are doing something. that is better than most.
The only thing a Smith Machine is good for is to hang your jacket.
But if it’s absolutely the only thing you have, as others said, it’s better than nothing. What the Smith Machine takes away is the work to your “stabalizing” muscles.
Do you think a Smith is similarly bad for squats? I use it for both squats and bench press because I don’t like having to ask people to spot me. I do dumbbell benches sometimes thought.
flame retardent jacket
Yes, the smith machine is horrid for squats. Run away from it, and be prepared for a LOT of flame about using it.
If you do not have sufficient weights for a barbell squat, try Bulgarians with dumbbells and pistols.
yea we have 50 lb dumb bells so it doesnt do much for me when i do db presses, im seriously thinkin about joining a gym though cuz i really dont feel like im working my muscles to the max like i could and should be.
[quote]forlife wrote:
Do you think a Smith is similarly bad for squats? I use it for both squats and bench press because I don’t like having to ask people to spot me. I do dumbbell benches sometimes thought.[/quote]
I would think the smith machine would be even worse for squats then bench. The reason being it puts you way farther “out of track” either at the top or bottom depending how you set up and you will probably use alot more weight on smith squats then smith bench.
That’s probably the last thing you need to do, develope a dysfunction about the hip joint compounded by an improper spinal curvature and lack of stabilizing motor control.
i do other exercises that work the stabilizers though, like dips, push ups, reverse dips if thats what you call em? and when im workin my chest, ill do reps on bench, then go over n grab the 50 lb dumb bells and do those so i should be workin em pretty good.
Just be sure not to kill yourself when I start to bench on a real bench. Just for the hell of it I did a few sets on the smith to see how bad you can cheat, I think I could bench about twice what I can free-weight.
i would join a gym but its like 80 bucks a month and i just cant afford that, im in college so im a bit poor:S
Does you college have a sports/rec center? Some universities allow use of weight rooms, gyms, etc. with your student ID.
nah i wish they did though. its DeVry man, big computer nerd and business school.
$80 a month?! Holy shit dude! That’s crazy, I pay $29 and I thought that was a lot. Maybe you could check out the local YMCA, maybe get a student discount or something.
actually that was at the Y, for 80 a month i believe it was, im gonna go there tomorrow though to make sure.
[quote]analog_kid wrote:
$80 a month?! Holy shit dude! That’s crazy, I pay $29 and I thought that was a lot. Maybe you could check out the local YMCA, maybe get a student discount or something.[/quote]
Second that. I got a membership at Golds for 30 a month, and I sneaked a membership for 10 at 24 Fatness (because I signed up with someone else, who pays 25 or something).
Both of these chains have good and bad locations. 24 Fatness seems to be mostly bad locations though.
[quote]graphicsMan wrote:
analog_kid wrote:
$80 a month?! Holy shit dude! That’s crazy, I pay $29 and I thought that was a lot. Maybe you could check out the local YMCA, maybe get a student discount or something.
Second that. I got a membership at Golds for 30 a month, and I sneaked a membership for 10 at 24 Fatness (because I signed up with someone else, who pays 25 or something).
Both of these chains have good and bad locations. 24 Fatness seems to be mostly bad locations though.[/quote]
I got to say, my Gold’s isn’t too shabby. 3 squat racks, an OL platform, 5 flat benches, 2 incline, 1 decline, dbs up to 180lbs, and there is always chalk all over the damn place.
i think the closest Golds Gym is 15 miles from where i live… how far do you guys go? cuz i really dont wanna drive that much more than i already am
Realize this is an old thread but I’m in a similar situation in that my apartment complex has a reasonable set up (for being free) but only has a smith machine and dumbbells that go up to 50lbs.
What is the common view about in comparing the max bench for Smith vs True free weights? I’ve heard anywhere from 50% to 100% more being possible on a smith machine. Is this accurate?