My age is 30 years old.I do bodybuilding-powerlifting(amateur) since 17 years old.My diet is clean and lean I am on mostly protein and healthy fats.
I am strict on sleep paterns and analyze my sleep as well.(Atleast 7.5hrs a day
I am reading alot of literature and watching videos,exchanging opinions with other people that do sport long term and want to come up with a conclusion what would be the most beneficial diet and workout plan for me for overall health,improving bones strength and density,muscle mass(with focus on endurance and explosivity),and supporting my other tissues such as ligaments etc.
My body weight is 70kg.(Maintnance)
Body Fat last measured approx. 2 weeks ago 7.5-8.5%.(Dexa scan)
Blood work done yesterday all parameters normal.
Competing and competed armwrestling championship category up to 72 kg won 1.(State level)
I did my first cycle few weeks prior to the championship oral halo only.
Now doing PCT w HCG and estrogen blocker.
I will post one day of what my diet and lifestyle looks like so someone can analyze and critisize if needed.
5.00 wake up
5.05 Half of L of water
Black coffee no sugar.
Cold shower.
Protein shake (50gr whey isolate = total 2 doses)
Oat flakes 100grams with 0.5L probiotic yogurt.
3grams omega 3,and digestive enzymes as supplementation.
7.00 at work
Espresso no sugar
1 banana
9.00 200 grams lean meat chicken or beef with 300grs green veggies.
11.00 amprotein shake(whey isolate x2)
100gr flakes with water.
Espresso no sugar.
Up until 17.00 water and/or mineral water and/or lemonade with cinnamon no sugar.some fruit banana or apple if enough time
17.00 work shift ends whey isolate.
17.30arriving home cold shower
18.30resistance training
12 sets = 3 exercisesper muscle group usually 2 muscle groups a day.
19.30 resistance training done.washing up changing clothes resting.Natural tea no sugar or non alcoholic beer.Resting 1 hour.
After workout whey isolate and dry grapes 50grams.
20:30 15-20k steps.
Semi warm shower.
High fat high protein cheese alot of water.
21.30 hitting the bed.
Total carbs a day complex around 270grams .Simple carbs around 100gr.(Trying as little as possible).
Total fats 120-150 grams.
Total protein 300 grams.
Total water intake without coffee,tea etc
Min 3 max 5L.
Calorie expenditure a day according to smartwatch 1500-1800cals.
I dont wear it at work(heavy labor job - army mechanic).
Maybe this is too much info but im trying to get on another level.
Goal 1 lose 1 kg of fat every 3 months.
Goal 2 gain 1 kg of muscle every 3 months.
As natural as possible with as least amount of supplements and steroids with maximum ammount of effort and discipline.
If you are legitimately 7.5% body fat at 70kg you have 5.25kg of body fat, I wouldn’t think that would be easy or even advisable, just losing 1kg of fat you’d be at 6% then, which is pushing stage condition bodybuilding levels. Those guys do that for a very short period of time and it isn’t conducive to your arm wrestling or powerlifting goals. Injury risk goes up significantly at lower body fat levels from what I gather.
Your calculations are right how about lean gains at a slow pace.What do I do good and what do I do bad given the informations I provided.I plan not to compete in any category for the next 6 months atleast.Focusing on my regular work and working out.Making small gym at home.
I’d guess given your post history and info here arm wrestling is the biggest priority now?
Are you willing to move to the next weight category?
If so that’s where I’d be aiming - building size and strength in a calorie surplus, you’re very lean as it stands so you’ve got a great place to start from.
I suppose now is as good of a time for a reality check as any. Though your first AAS cycle was a low dose and short period of time, as time “off cycle” goes by so will a good percentage of your AAS gains in muscle size and strength. I call it “pawning” your AAS gains. On your next cycle you will get all the AAS gains that were lost back quicker than you got them, plus you should be able to get some additional gains.
IMO, your “off cycle” training should be approached with a little more percentage of body fat. You need a little calorie cushion to become more anabolic. About 5 or 10 pounds of additional body weight should be sufficient to train during “off cycle.”
Is your ultimate goal arm wrestling? If that is the case, are you willing to go up a weight class. If so, what is the next weight class?
Is your ultimate goal putting on more muscle mass?
These two goals have different paths. One is strength oriented and the other is hypertrophy oriented.
More muscle mass,trying myself in the heavier category 77kg max.But muscle mass will be priority bonus will be If I make certain success in this class if not will be working more on techniques.Cant always be on the top.(-: we have to grow in certain periods of life.In any aspect.
An event that is 6 months away from now,but it has more competitors included.You mentioned second cycle as possibility but so far so good havent lost any gains maybe it is early,my diet hasnt changed the dynamics of training has I do more reps less weight (deload period in bodybuilding literature?).
How much calories should I add per day
300 sound enough? Complex carbs and proteins?(Noticed simple carbs do me no good short and long term)
Should/Can I open a thread where I log my diet,post pictures from time to time?
Will do soon.Introvert here lol.
Made gym at home not to be in crowd and cut on travel to gym and back 30+30mins.(10hrs at work + almost every day overtime).Have to change habits and routines to do what you love.
Is it coming up with an estimate? Yes.
But it is just that, an estimate. It will give you some vague numbers that are in roughly the right ballpark, but it’s probably pretty useless beyond that.
Edit: although looking in more detail at the number it’s chucked out for you, i’m not even sure that’s in the right ballpark.
Okay thanks is there a more accurate way to find maintenance calories needed.
Routine now is 15-20k steps light cardio.
7 days a week resistance training high rep 60-70% from max 1-3 rep max.(Deloading)
Monday-Saturday( heavy labor job ).
Doing that measuring calories in for years now.Trying to figure out if there is accurate/semi accurate way to measure calories out.I never had problems reaching goals with strict discipline.
But going next level might need improvement in everything.
Been thinking long term about this topic I Opened will wait for my PCT of first cycle only halo to finish(maintenance calories till then).Then a slow steady bulk to 80kg following a cut to 75(so I can have leverage to fluctuate to 77) before the competition 6 from now.
I don’t really know of one, because there’s so much variance in your day… everything from how many times you even fidget with a pen to the temperature outside.
I guess the good news here is there’s a range of homeostasis (you don’t lose weight at 1950 calories and then gain it at 2000 kind of thing) and calories out from activity is a very small proportion of the total formula - just being alive accounts for most of it (exceptions, like being an ultramarathoner, apply).
All that to say, if you’re on top of calories in, I think you’re controlling what you can control. You can bump calories out in a predictable manner by adding cardio, etc., but it will still be in context of your whole day.
Why? You have been eating at maintenance. You are already doing it.
To maintain at 70kg you are eating 3360-3630 calories. To gain you will have to eat more. Whether you add 250 or 500 calories a day will depend on the rate you are comfortable gaining. Are you ok with some fat gain, or do you want to keep it to a minimum?
What does it matter what an online calculator says?
Just thought if bodybuilding folks have some way of calculating this more into detail.Count me as a sponge I want to learn.Brain is a muscle as
250-300calories increase is ideal for me after PCT and final hormonal test.
Fat gain is a must but at a minimum.
As the title say slow steady body recomp.Peace out.