I won’t get into specifics about why, but I currently sleep with a plastic sheet over my bed and have for months. Should I worry about xenoestrogens? I can remove the sheet but would rather not.
Sounds like you have bigger fish to fry at the moment. I would say it 'MAY not be a big deal, I know certain plastic shower curtains are not advised, but that is likely due to the hot water hitting it and you breathing in the steam.
not knocking you guys, but once we start worrying about minute details in our life like plastic sheets and shower curtains having xeneoestrogens, its time to lock yourself in a glass bubble and have your “organic, grassfed, hormone free beef”, handed to you by a hazmat team.
The effects of xenoestrogens are cumulative. If you need the plastic sheet for a temporary period of time, do it. When trying to reduce xenoestrogens, it’s more of the little things approach than one big move. You will never really escape them all so you just have to determine what things you can and can’t live without and adjust accordingly.
[quote]wannabebig250 wrote:
not knocking you guys, but once we start worrying about minute details in our life like plastic sheets and shower curtains having xeneoestrogens, its time to lock yourself in a glass bubble and have your “organic, grassfed, hormone free beef”, handed to you by a hazmat team.[/quote]
Yes and no.
I do agree that once you start looking for xenoestrogens (such as BPA), you can very easily go overboard trying to avoid them because they’re everywhere, but for something like this bed sheet that you’re going to presumably be in total body, direct skin contact with for 6+ hours every single night, I’d personally feel more comfortable minimizing that kind of risk.
My girlfriend used to work for one of the first law firms in the country to push for removing BPA from baby bottles, so she’s very much “on the lookout” for BPA and similar products in our lives. Sometimes I have to reel her back and scale down the paranoia, and sometimes I feel it’s totally justified.