Sled dragging

Well the gaining phase is going well but come the new year I think it will be time to add some GPP stuff and burn the “extra”. Any of you guys doing sled pulls? What do you use for a sled? It looks like a simple enough piece of equipment, any of you improv guys with suggestions\experience, I’d love to hear them.



I’m going to get a power rack from NY Barbell pretty soon and I’m thinking of ordering one of these with it:


I think Goldberg (a while back) suggested to get an old tire, tie a rope to it, lay a piece of plywood in it, and load it up with weight plates or big rocks.

I THINK it was Goldie anyways…

Ah… Good idea!

I have joined a gym that has a sled, but haven’t had a chance to try it since I’ve been working out at night and don’t want to get run over in the dark parking lot.

why don’t you just get some plywood and make your own?

I bought one from Elite Fitness. I use it at different times in the year depending on my goals and the Renegade program I’m using.