With Jim saying ‘the PR set is the heart and soul of 5/3/1’ and ‘the PR set, Jokers and FSL is all you need’, I was wondering if some warm up straight to the PR set to be a little fresher and go after the reps? With the FSL sets you make up in volume easily for the two sets skipped.
I thought I read somewhere that he tried getting rid of the 2 work sets but got smaller? That could of course been before FSL and jokers were invented. I actually like the sets leading up to the pr set. This does interest me though. If I could be stronger on my PR set with less warmups…
When Jim wrote Beyond 5/3/1 he didn’t delete the warm-up or work sets leading up to the PR set for 5/3/1. The only place I think he reduced the work set volume is for the Dynamic Effort template in the Beyond book, and that was for obvious reasons. I would just do it as written, even if it means you have to work a little harder.
Beyond 531 template is what you are more or less wanting to do.
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
Beyond 531 template is what you are more or less wanting to do.[/quote]
I think that’s more work than what he’s asking. He’s basically asking if on a 3’s week for instance, it’s okay to jump from like 55% straight to 90%. The Beyond Template goes in 10% increments up to the TM.
Google “bastard 531”. Its a post on Jims site.
[quote]Willem85 wrote:
With Jim saying ‘the PR set is the heart and soul of 5/3/1’ and ‘the PR set, Jokers and FSL is all you need’, I was wondering if some warm up straight to the PR set to be a little fresher and go after the reps? With the FSL sets you make up in volume easily for the two sets skipped.[/quote]
If I had to guess what Jim would say, my money would be on “if the sets of 3-5 leading up to the PR set are gassing you out or taking away from the PR set than you are weak or woefully out of shape and should address as such”.
Not speaking for Jim, but after reading 100’s or maybe 1000’s of q/a, I feel like he would be somewhere in that ballpark. That said, that “bastard 5/3/1” was a soldier deployed in Afg/Iraq(?) that was having success doing his PR set, then the sets that would normally be first. Consider that that guy is probably a badass and his results may not be your results.
Matt Nealon is correct. However, if you want to change the program, it’s your body and your strength. Ill stick to what has worked and continues to work.
The dynamic program isn’t even reduced - it is alot more volume- trust me. 70% at 5x5 or 8x3, then 80% for 1, then the PR set is 24-5 reps leading into the last set instead of 10, 6, 8.
FYI I’ll just do the program.