First off thankyou Jim for this programme and the all round flexibility it offers.
im currently running the standard 531 with the addition of jokers and a first set last.
For assistance I do 10 sets of 10 with 50-60% of my TM and I use a different lift.
Monday :
Deadlift 531
Squat 10x10
Bench press 531
Military press 10x10
Wednesday : running - usually 5k or 10k
Squat 531
Deadlift 10x10
Military press 531
Bench press 10x10
I also throw in Chins and dips whenever I feel like it…
Everything has been progressing nicely but I’m finding Im very inconsistent with my deadlift PR sets.
My form on the last set is very hit and miss … Some days everything will feel perfect and smooth and then other days it just feels sloppy like my form is off.
My two ascending sets are always perfect because the reps are only 5 or 3 which is easy to maintain strict form.
But the main PR set I seem to just go balls out for a PR and it all just becomes a messy touch n go grind.
Doesn’t happen all the time … For instance my last 5s week (168 kg) I hit 13 reps with very smooth controlled form and they were all paused reps.
But on this 5s week (173kg) I got 12 and it just felt like garbage … It turned into touch n go after the first few reps with a bit of a bounce and something just felt flimsy and off about the whole set.
I’m wondering if maybe I should limit my PR set for the deadlift to just 1 or 2 reps over the prescribed number …
That way it removes the temptation to grind out bad reps and will maybe restore some consistency to my form.
I’ve been running 531 for 15 cycles now but have reset a couple of a few times - not due to stalling but just because I found myself getting to the point where I was only able to get 1 rep or so over the required ones … and I also like revisiting my lower training maxes and hitting new Rep PRs …