Skipping Structural Balance Work, Blog Follow Up

Hey Coach,

I like your thoughts on balance work. I’m getting a bit older and can start to feal the wear and tear. Do you have a routine to suggest fixing the problems you mentioned in your blog?

Which blog would that be?

I think the question is your external rotation work routine at Thibarmy. I’d love to hear your thoughts as well on it, since it’s a neglected area of mine too.


Maybe you recommend a Rusin routine? I use a bastardized version of agile 8 mixed with some Chris Duffin prehab stuff on my squat and Deadlift days. Nothing for upper body though except some dislocates and pull aparts in between my pressing warmup sets. But based on what you said it doesn’t seem good enough.

Heres a bunch of good exercises for you

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If youve benched for years trap 3 recruitment is challenging so for facepulls, scarecrows, pull aparts and trap 3 raises initiate by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Try not to shrug up.

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Thanks Nick, I appreciate it. Will have to do the test next workout. Maybe it’s time to bring back my DeFranco Shoulder shocker

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In terms of lower body for myself I learned through being weak on the zercher from pins how much power I am losing from core (side not great assistance exercise to squat and deadlifts). Single leg movements are important as the glute med stabilizes the pelvis. Lastly getting strong on the glute ham raise goes along way to prevent injuries.

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I’ve found that the agile 8 has done wonders for me. As well as some mad scientist Hip mobility stuff. I do single leg and carries. I haven’t had any troubles since incorporating the agile 8. It really did wonders for my squat and Deadlift

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So I tried out the “test”. I’m just shy of the goal on the trap 3 raises. Close enough where I’m not worried. And just nailed the db rotater. I pull twice a week. I did trap 3, rotation, and facepulls as a warm up to my pull day. I think I’ll do that from now on. It really felt great.

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One thing i noticed for myself that works well is finishing a deadlift day or leg day with 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps per leg of the scissor reverse hyper and or the single leg romanian. Trying to keep the back healthy.

this is a great one from Paul