Hi. I got a huge problem, had it since I was a kid…man boobs. I’m 19 about 130lbs, 6ft, you think i’m skinny but look at pics…disgusting, just need advice. Not sure of my body fat. I used to weight 180 but dropped drastically due to improper dieting, about 20lbs fast, then in a year slowly the rest of it. I did mostly alot of cardio for a year at my college, and recenlty started to serirosly lift, past month or 2, realizing my mistake.
Now I look really skinny with a shirt on and disgusting with it off. I have read tons of articles. Right now I am eating 2000 calories, almost clean diet. I usually eat clean, a few small meals a week are bad like today had 2 cups of ice cream (first time in months). I lift for about 45 mins a day 5 or 6 days a week. I stopped cardio, trying to start back up after lifting but cramp up fast. I eat about about 40/40/20.
Is this good or should I change it? I take fish oil and avocados for fats, get no more than 10g sat. fat a day. I supplement with whey protein, fish oil, and a mult. vit., do i need any thing else, might start creatine soon.
Stats: bench 130lb, incline is 100lb, barbell curl 60lb, dumbell military press 25s or w/ barbell about 75, deadlift 195lb, def. can’t squat have Chondromalatia Patellae. Each exercise is about 6-8 reps, and they are relative max’s. Usually do 4 or 5 sets w/ one warmup.
Lifting routine:
day 1: flat bench, incline, flys, skull crushers
Day 2: Deadlift, upright row, bet over row, one arm row
Day 3: military press, lateral rasies, biceps- ez bar curl.
Right now I’m home so lifting exercises is limited, at college i do leg extensions and lats pull down.
I’ve posted around but not any pics so I attached them,first time, EMBARRISING ,I know. From posts people told me to start eating tons of calories, but I’m afraid to, just want to lose the man boobs. Also, I have a good amount of loose skin and fat on my stomach, when I sit down it hangs over and looks horrible. I haven’t taken my shirt of in public since I was a little kid and just want to look at least normal.
Bascailly I just want to know what I need to do to lose the excess fat and gain some muscle, look decent, quickly if possible. I’m willing to do anything. My only problem is that I work at cvs 7 or 8 hr shifts 4 days a week, so eating evey 2-3 hrs is hard so it gets up to 5+ hrs. usually work from 3-10 or 9-5, getting one break. Any input would help, thanks alot?
Figured I would post my basic meals
M1: protein shake(22g), 1/2c oats, 1 cup 1% milk
M2: half of deli meat wrap ( low carb mission torrtilla 10 net carb 21giber 200cal+150-200 cal meat+2 fat free cheese slice 100cal+honeymustard 30cal+ veges) = about 525 cal
M3: other half
M4: power bar(reg.) 45 carbs, 10g pro., 240 cal
(M4 and M1 could alternate due to work schedule…need fast trans. food)
M5: skinless Chicken with carbs + fat free chedder cheese
M6: what ever is left over from M5 and fruit
I’m eating more caloires now about 2400 a day, 40/40/20 or 50p/30c/20f
I end up eating a yogurt or something small like it in b/t meals
Is the power bar fine?
I’ve been advised to bulk so am inc. cal. gradually 2000 to 2400, but alot of time ill heat a 400cal meal 30min. before bed due to tight schedule is that ok.
Thanks alot again