[quote]The3Commandments wrote:
[quote]mr popular wrote:
If you are out of shape, then you need to “get in shape” before you start pursuing goals of looking like a bodybuilder or anything like that. My advice would be to simply start eating a clean, high-protein diet, running or cycling 3-4 days a week, and lifting weights 4-5 days a week.
You will see people saying online that the only exercises you need to do are the squat, bench press, deadlift, military press, and barbell row, because that is the modern trend in the world of fitness bullshit. But these people usually look no better than you do now, and in order to work all your muscles, on top of those exercises you also need things like pullups or pulldowns, barbell curls, tricep extensions, calf raises, situps, side raises, and incline bench presses.
I would generally agree with you for anyone except an absolute beginner. By that, I mean someone who has never trained with weights before ever. I’ve been teaching a friend how to lift and stuff, and I started him out doing something similar to what you’re suggesting. What I came to find is that he just didn’t have the level of muscular coordination needed to do a surprising number of exercises. I started him on SS after a couple months of getting nowhere (it was frustrating for me too because I was having to teach and reteach movements that seemed very fundamental), and SS has treated him very well.
Is it the program that I recommended he stay on for years or whatever? No. But those basic movements–bench press, squat, etc–are what have started to develop a level of muscular coordination and comfort with training intensely that will allow him to do a more advanced training program in the future–one that more closely resembles what you’re suggesting.
Just my two cents and based off one anecdotal experience, but take it for what it’s worth.[/quote]
I don’t understand your point here. You are saying you had a better time teaching your friend to do squats, deadlifts, bench presses, military press, and power cleans… doing 5 rep sets and adding weight every time… but when it came to learning how to do barbell curls and calf raises he just wasn’t coordinated enough?
What I suggested is in no way “advanced”. Beginners always suck, that is why they’re beginners. If he sucks at doing side raises and situps now, avoiding them for 6 months and doing an incomplete program isn’t going to make him suck any less at them.