Skinny Fat Beginner. Lose Weight or Start Lifting?

So Im 188cm 101kg, BMI of 28 according to websites. I did starting strength about 6 years ago didnt get very far with it as we had a baby, lost space and time and I just never returned to it. I didnt do it for very long, my deadlift only got to 110kg, cant remember my other lifts. However, we are finally moving to bigger place so I can start a garage gym but I’m now fat! I know in starting strength you are meant to eat a lot but I dont want to put more fat on, I want to lose as much as possible.

What would be the best course of action? I’m not in pursuit of abs, I dont care about being ripped but I dont want to be the strong fat guy either, just in the 15% body region

I like this plan


So does that mean general weightlifting as opposed to doing starting strength or do starting strength but just eating healthy and don’t worry about cramming in the food as the plan suggests?

Starting Strength is a 12 week decision. If you choose to do it or not really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. If you like Starting Strength, google “Jim Wendler Help a Friend Get Stronger” and follow the 6 month plan Jim lays out there. Otherwise, any reasonable training plan from here will be just dandy.


Nice one :). I like starting strength because it’s simple and I get choice paralysis if I don’t have something to follow.

If you don’t already have 5/3/1 Forever, I’d strongly recommend getting a copy of it. It has 50 different programs to follow, and it tells you exactly what to do in all of them.

So after your 12 weeks of Starting Strength, you could start the first program in the book, follow it, and then just move on to the next one and the next one.

A pretty standard run of one of the programs is 10 weeks (2 cycles that last 3 weeks, then a deload, then one more cycle). If you were to only follow each program for that amount of time, that’s 500 weeks of programming.

So you’ll have something to do for the next almost decade.


Perfect, cheers :slight_smile: