Skinny Calves, Help!

Hello everyone, I’ve been lifting for 1 year now,17 years, 163 pounds.

All parts of my body have been progressing except for my calves, they are very skinny and do not respond to any type of training. I’ve tried a lot of different things, doing lots of reps, low reps, walking on toes between sets, rope jumping, pointing toes in and out…and they still look like two sticks.

My body is now unpro­portional because of them, and I almost never wear shorts on public, it’s too embarrassing…

Please help me, I’m desperate, I’m even considering purchasing the massive calves program (, does any one has any info about it? Is it legit or is it just a scam?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english

What exactly are you doing for a workout for calves? You realize you walk on them all day long with your bodyweight so if you’re not even lifting your bodyweight on calf exercises its like you’re walking (maybe a bit more intense). Most likely you have to up the poundage and pound out reps till you just can’t any more. Calves have to be worked pretty damn hard to grow.

ive heard that you need to work them up to and through the pain. for me at about 10 reps i start to get a real burn, then I pump out another 10 or so - it sucks, but I think thats the only way.

maybe try training them 2-3 times a week as well

The way I see most people “train” calves is with real short choppy motions near the top of the movement. For me it’s all about the bottom position, stretching, 1.5 reps, burns, whatever intensity technique you can think of to really work the bottom half. Calves need to be trained brutally in my opinion.

Take your best loading exercises, calves on the leg press and hack squat are great and progressively add 100s of lbs to them(and gain weigh too) and come back and tell us how your calves look.

Are you sure your doing them right? A lot of people have mentioned adding weight. What if you need to decrease the weight for a greater ROM? I have no idea how you are doing it so. We need more info. How many times a week, how many sets, reps weight, type of exercise, full ROM, not full ROM?

Right now I’m doing standing calf raises 4x8, seated calf raises 3x20 and toe raises 4x8, 2-3 times a week
The trainer at the gym designed this program for me
Also, anyone got info about the website I posted

How much weight are you doing for those reps? Please don’t say anything below 200 lbs for standing 135 for seated and god toe raises I can’t even hold the weight I can do for those. Also seated works the long skinny muscles that you can see coming down from the outside of your calf if you have low BF. Just be aware because I think you’re looking for gastroch size. However, thickening the muscles under the gastroch would make your calf look bigger…

Anyhow how much weight are you doing for those. Be truthful :stuck_out_tongue:

Calves can be real stubborn little buggers even for people who know how to train them.

Here’s what to do. You need to train your calves everyday! And not in a gym! You need to use your calves in motion(body thru space type of stuff, or real life movements)Do you have a bicycle? If so, you can use this by peddleing it up and down some hills around your house on a bike ride everyday. Or use the FAT PERSONS technique …all they do is WALK their fat ass around and develope massive calves from the numerous reps they put on them throughout the week. You can take some walks everynight but do it with a weighted backpack or something.

Ideally …any type of training you do that isn’t sitting or standing on some peice of gym apparatus will help your calves respond. Usually this type of stuff works for geneticly gifted people and people who take lots of drugs. If you want to take the gym route, then work them everyday with extremely heavy weights for high reps and bodyweight reps for very high reps. Calves take a ton of abuse, they need a ridiculous amount of abuse to make them grow for stubborn calf owners.

Try the bike peddleing up hills for sprints. Take a breather, then keep doing it. You’re calves will not like this, they will overcompensate for the real-life situation and respond with growth.
