Whats up tmen. A few weeks ago I was vixen-less and decided to start reading the bible. Possibly by coincidence, the same night I met a girl (23 6’ size 6-8, B cup, 8/10) that was living with her boyfriend. We saw each other a few times and she told her man it was over which prompted him to take off for a week. We saw each other all the time and what a week it was … Since then he has come back and is pushing for a reconciliation and she is having trouble pushing the split so the whole thing is languishing although she says she feels like she is with me. She leaves for OS for 2 weeks on sun but rings everyday and wants to see me tomorrow. Oh yeah, shes a groover thats into house, tech house, big beat, and takes AND SELLS X .
The first night I was meeting up to go clubbing with girl 1 I met another girl (23 5’11, size 8, D cup implants, 10/10 body 9.5-9.75/10 package) that is a top level model on magazine covers and television. I took her home and slept with her the second time I saw her out and she told me then and since she likes me alot. I really could cope with waking up with her alot. We also seemed to have some connection initially and have been together regularly since but she seems to be moving away. I dont think the uppers and downers are helping her focus much. One night with her I was contacted by a very nice recent love interest that I didnt get around to bonein (20, size 10-12, c cup, 6/10) and I agreed to see her soon. These girls all know about each other cause I dont see any sense in deceiving them. I am anti drugs but really like girl 1 physically and esp mentally, love girl 2 physically and quite like her mentally, and think girl 3 is a nice person/good long term prospect. They all love to cook for men. The whole thing feels like ongoing stagnation and confusion. The question - what sort of condoms should I use for any further bonin before I move on :P.
The moral - tmen can be light on their feet if not heartless bastards and are sometimes hell bent on firin up the forum :). TMEN UP, HOS DOWN - IF THAT B*^@# CANT SWIM, SHE BOUND TO DROWN.
So this guy has to choose between 3 different girls to marry. Number one is rich, but can’t cook. Number two is poor, but is an incredible chef. And lastly, number three is a middle class girl who plays the cello. Which does he marry? The one with the biggest tits.
Dre – You started out by saying you were reading the Bible. Then by coincedence… No, not coincedence, but not in the way you imagine. These are just some of the things I believe, listen if you want, I’ll not contribute to this thread again. From your description of your lifestyle, satan has a firm hold on you. Everything seemed to be going good. You start reading the Bible, satan becomes worried and throws some things at you (3 ladies at once). Note two of them are into drugs. You still reading the Bible?
Here's the thing -- when you start making good decisions in your life, satan gets worried and throws things at you. For some people it takes very little to get them off track. The more difficult cases take more effort. If everything is going great in your life, then you need to examine things very closely, because that means satan isn't worried about you any more, he's got you firmly in his grasp. I'm not trying to condemn you, but just wanted you to take a look at what's going on. If you're okay with it, then go ahead. If you feel something's tugging at you, maybe you should try listening to that still small voice. Peace.
Oh please.
First off if there really is a satan and he was “throwing” 3 hot women at me, well I am sorry but he is my kinda guy.
I will take the hot women and live my eternity in hell before I live a boring life of no sex and being good so I can run wround in a too too with wings on.
In case you have not noticed I am being sarcastic.
Dre, just have fun with all of them and move on, they seem to be straight up and so should you.
But be honest and upfront if you do that, to me what makes a man is being honest with them whether they like what you have to say or don't.
Dre, my advice depends upon your age. If you are 27 or older I would say tighten up and pick the one that you miss the most when shes gone. But, if you are younger then 27, KEEP SLEEPING WITH ALL OF THEM FOR AS LONG AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN …then don’e make a decision until you are pinned to the wall. Condoms–good boy! Any good T-Man use Magnums by trojan. In reference to you situation some words of wisdom from TC and George Clinton -Atomic Dawgs, “Why must I chase da cat? Why Must I chase? Ain’t nothing but the dog in me!”
must…have air…three hot girls, one of which has access to readily available drugs??? have all yuou people gone crazy…fuck the devil these women are angels …you’re in heaven!!! Why choose one! damn son what’s wrong with you…it’s reasons like this I stick to the steroid forum! As far as condoms go there’s a new one out by trojan called the v-rib that shit is mad good…use it NOW!!!
Why can’t I have problems like this? Satan’s giving away chics? I’ll have a virgin soon to be nmypho(after having sex with me) big breasted really hot, addicted to giving blow jobs girl who will also have a singing career like Britany who can support my ass while I rest up for all the sex I will be having with her. No you don’t get my soul. Thanks monday delivery is fine but thursday would be better. Ciao.
Dre, just curious why you even mentioned the “reading the Bible “ comment in your post, since it apparently had nothing to do with your topic. Brider it’s good to see that at least some T-men think with their heads instead of their genitals. Very insightful comment.
Dre, what was the point of that thread besides making me insanely jealous! I say don’t get to serious with the first two, just enjoy the sex and have fun. That last one may be a little more of a keeper, but don’t let me hear of you giving up the other to for her ya heard me. Brider, if Satan is giving away hot ass chicks, how come I don’t get one? Is there a waiting list? If this sounds like I’m thinking with my genitals, then call me scrotum head. Dre, could you maybe tell me some of your game, you sound like a true player dawg.
Dre, it’s time to move on, and by that I mean it’s time to move on to a three-way with the D-cup and the 8/10. You’ve got to (really, for all of us you’ve got to) schedule them both to meet at your flat at the same time…oops, silly me, did I make that mistake?! Now what are we ging to do? WWTMD? Go for it…you can always let the 6/10 change the oil in your car.
Wasnt expecting that cause this place has been troll town lately - thanks for the positive and funny posts guys :). Seriously brider, I had that exact thought so please continue. The supermodel one has two mobile phones both with 666 in them. No shit man. And she says she didnt request them. When we had sex the first time I ripped my banjo string thing so bad my bed looks like a set from a very bloody horror movie. In the dimmed light she went down on me bleeding, gave me some supernatural blowjob that made me see through the roof into the next universe, and then gargelled before swallowing which pretty much scared me in my post nut state. But while she was sucking I looked and my mobile phone which gives network location and it said “heaven” ;). The 2 tall ones have issues but definitely have good in them though and could benefit from some spirituality - as a christian I should help rather than write them off right :). On me, Im 30, 5’9, built like a slightly larger big mens health dude but not exactly purdy so im doing well for myself. And yes, I think im old enough to settle down and like the angle you gave Ox - ill give the “miss the most” theory some thought. On game, we now have a theory that god provides women and that spirituality of some sort brings women with it. Look at all the good looking guys with nothing and the fat dorks with honeys - I think spirit is a big factor. It also keeps them interested if you are confident enough to admit and quote stuff. No shit. The rest of it is best summed up as being yourself and almost over confident (never second yourself guess or allow her to) an example being when I asked the model about her work she started talking about the cover of elle and english vogue and I yawned in her face. Clothes help in the same way out lifting does if not more but I have trouble finding imagination and taste with them. The other thing is to talk to every girl in the bar or club about something trivial (you stepped on my toe, what you doin, whats your name, rah rah - it really is too easy as long as you start off slow). On drugs, the supermodel does coke alot and x a bit, the 6 footer has alot of x and brought me some the first night. I havent touched any now because I have in the past in moderation and think its the inverse of the inches Al Pacino talked about in On any given sunday and if you dont realise it you wake up having given away a safety. I do admit to more than a few drinks when Im with them and I find it helps with confidence and wit but ruins my progress which I insist on retaining as a priority as much as I can cause girls come and girls go …
Dre…what the hell is going on here? I’m sorry to tell you man, but you sound like another one of these I-can-meld-pop-culture-and-shit-with-the-bible types. I’m a catholic, but not some kind of whacked-out, over-the-top believer. Listen, there is a very rational system out there in the world. You’re not going to be afflicted with one supernatural experience to the next. The bible exists as a metaphorical tool to teach morality and ethical restraint. brider is going into some pseudo-deep dialogue about how this is “not just a coincidence,” but it is. All you need to do is make a responsible choice. You’re not going to hell is you have pre-marital sex. If you even whore around, you’ll get off as long as you adhere to the “core” of the doctrine, and don’t abuse or try to get crazy with these girls & treat them with the respect they deserve. Don’t make this out to be some larger than life religious revelation whereby you’ll change your name from Andre to Andru, swear off shoes, and walk the earth as some shield-bearer for the lord. This is really simple, so don’t overinflate some weird coincidence (which, btw, is ALL this is).
Sorry to butt in, but Brider and Dre, you guys have completely lost it. Dre, from the girls perspective YOU are the one who could be possesed. Talking about the Bible, and sleeping with anything that moves! Then extrapolating that a good BJ and some cell phone numbers are proof that its the GIRLS that are from hell. Except for the ugly “good” one(size D) who hasn’t put out yet. WHAT A CROCK OF DOUBLE STANDARD SHIT. I’m sure as soon as you talk the last girl into “bonin” you, you’ll find some “sign of the beast” on her and as a good Christian boy, move on to take advantage of your next drugged out conquest. You all sound like lost souls to me, and I don’t even subscribe to most of that dogma.
Sorry to break the bad news to you chronic and a girl but you are areseholes. Thats right, complete dickheads. I now ask you to go away cause you are interfering in our harmless fun. You are forgiven of course, but Ill be watching for further troll posts by you two and your kind. In the meantime, here is something yo mamma shoulda taught you, if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all. Simple manners guys. Now fuck off.
LMAO Mr Zedd. Nice to see some of us tmen think alike cause Ive already had that thought. The 8/10 has told me she has been with girls and introduced me to one on fiday so its fair to say she is bi and a bit wobbly upstairs. So I need your help here, do I nut in the one with the implants, the one I love more (8/10), or both. If both, should I go for the hair and eyes or just straiffe??
Actually, this whole thing is just jokes on a situation that seems unlikely to bear real fruit - but there is a point for my tbros that feel like they are up against it - its a fucking tough and complicated world and its far better to stay light than to get heavy and bogged down. This sort of relates to other recent threads - I believe it helps in all things including women to be positive and have faith that things will work out. They always do.
A Girl- Just wanted to say that I completely agree with you.
Dre and Brider- It’s still hard for me to believe that you guys aren’t being sarcastic. We’re not in 1600s Massachusetts. Get over it.