Significant loss in strength during weight loss

Long story short. Started my lifting and wellness journey at 330 lbs. during this duration at the start up until around now my lifts were consistently improving via intensity( be it increased reps or weight) with some ups and downs and some time off due to surgeries and injuries. However now that I’ve reached 195 lbs it seems as if I have gained little to no muscle and strength is now significantly decreasing. Is this to be expected as I’m still trying to get to around 15-18% body fat? I’m currently around 23-25% according to measurements.

It’s going to be difficult to build muscle when you are eating in a manner that supports weight loss. We lose tissue typically by undereating, and we gain it by overeating.

How significant of a decrease is this significant decrease in strength?

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First let me congratulate you on your weight loss. That is huge!

As @T3hPwnisher has said its hard to build muscle in a deficit.
How long have you been on your journey?

230 bench press currently now 185
315 squat currently down to 270
160 Over head press currently down to 135.
Dead lift 455 currently down to 350

Started at 330lbs weight lifts went up took about a year to get where I’m currently at.

Was told by several places that I need to get around 15-18 bf% to really start doing a “bulk”

Eating generally looks like this

136g egg whites
70g whole egg
30g Kodiak oats
170g non fat Greek yogurt

2 cans of tuna or 2 cans chicken breast
Low carb tortilla
Reduced fat cheese 2 tablespoons
Mustard and relish

Snack premier protein shake

Usually 85% ground beef 6oz
Onion and pepper blend 1/2 cup
Little bit of cheese 2 table spoons
1/2 cup rice
1/2 cup beans
Low carb tortilla wrap

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About a year a little more than a year. Started October of 2023.

If that’s the only reason you’re shooting for those numbers: stop. Bodyfat measurement devices all suck in general. Some suck less than others, but unless you get an autopsy, you’ll never REALLY know your bodyfat. Try to just get a level of LEAN that you are good with.

Are those lift numbers you mentioned maxes or work weights? When did those drops occur (from what time period) and what weight were you between those time periods?

I was around 240/230lbs when I was hitting those lifts for 6-8 reps. Once I started getting below 215lbs recovery obviously started becoming an issue as well as over all performance with intensity. Hit weights morning and had to lower the volume. Missed lifts during sets and what not. I generally do a deload ever 5-6 weeks esp when I train for strength. When I train in the 8-12 rep range I generally feel better but I’m
Trying to maintain as much as I have until I hit desired bf% however it just feels like a losing battle atm.

Alrighty, so you were benching slightly below bodyweight at 240, and you’re STILL benching slightly below bodyweight at 195. Not much change there.

Your squat went from 1.3BW to 1.38. About the same again.

Press went from .66 to .69. Very similar.

Deadlift from 1.89 to 1.79. That’s the most significant, but even that isn’t terrible. Your strength actually seem very stable here.

Your NUMBERS have dropped, sure, but I mean: yeah. You weigh less. You’re going to move less total mass there. Certainly no significant loss of strength to be had here. If you decided to reverse course and get back to your old weight, I imagine you’d surpass those previous numbers.


Didn’t really think of it like that, kind of puts some perspective on it.

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That’s some awesome progress!
I think @T3hPwnisher nailed it!
You just don’t have as much mass. That’s why there are different divisions in sports. Light weight vs heavy weight etc… it’s not the same across the board.

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I totally get it my dude. I didn’t undergo nearly as significant a weight drop as you, but I lost 35lbs over the course of last year and dropped effectively 2 weight classes in strongman. Lifts I used to absolutely crush now humble me…but I’m less fat, less inflamed, and healthier. Gotta decide what’s worth it. Having abs is cool too, haha.

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Realistically being strong is by far something I strive for while also looking jacked. So I guess my course of action is to cut a little more before trying to recomp and then go on a slight increase.

I’m know many have gone through this just looking for over all insight on where to go from here. For context here are photos.


Huge improvement. I think your plan to cut a little more before going into a surplus is a good one.

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No advice here - I defer to the experts, but wanted to chime in and say you’re doing great and add my encouragement.

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Appreciate it!

Thought so, trying to see what body comp looks at 180. It’s a struggle. Tweaking calories.