Shugart..Keep It Coming.


I love your articles. The “Die Fatty Die” made me wet myself in laughter.

Keep em coming…


I agree. His writing has a great tone to it. Self-help information that doesn’t reek of smarminess, is obvious, or sounds like it was written by a eunich.

I just realized we have an Ontario, Canada fan club going here. lol

ummm … blame Canada?

Bastard F*ck Guy

you wanna join?


I heard someone saying something about Canada eh?

And yes, his articles are great…

I just about killed myself laughing reading the article… The best quote is
“Maybe genetics loaded the gun, but you pulled the fucking trigger and reloaded twice.”
Gotta love it.
And the fact that we ran over Slovakia tonight. Bring on the Czechs.!

From Shugart’s blog:

“I was late because I was masturbating to a morning fitness show and they kept showing the buff dude in the string tank top when I was about to nut so I had to hold off until they showed the chick with the big bazoombas or that would make me gay.”

Anyone who uses “nut” as a verb is A-OK in my book. Shugart is one funny motherf#cker.

I’m trying to decide whether or not to print out “die fatty, die” and give it to my parents. They would both get pretty angry and my mom would probably cry.

They’re both very overweight, but my mom is the worst. They just went out and bought groceries and got 2 things of Eddy’s Ice Cream. One of the gallon containers is finished, a mere 30 minutes later.

My mom has tried every diet around, and they’re starting to listen to me, but they’re still not good at the “Stop-Eating-Fucking-Oreos Diet”

Thoughts? And yes, I know just about everyone is going to say give it to them, they had it coming, etc., because it describes them perfectly. I’m looking for some more articulate responses if possible. Thanks T-crew.

I work at a huge sports store, and I get people in daily who want to “tone” or “frim up”. These people look like they eat Oreo’s and bacon for dinner every night. It takes a lot of restraint not to tell them to look at their diet before they buy a Bowflex. I don’t work on commision, so I couldn’t give a shit whether or not they buy anything.

Ooooh… I don’t know if that is such a good idea, bro. Seriously, that article is pretty harsh. I mean, look at the title! I think that your parents might respond negatively to this. You know them better than a bunch of meatheads on the internet, and I’m sure that you love them very much, and want them to get in shape, not die early, etc. So think about it before you hurt their feelings. Is it going to help them to read that? Are they at the point where Chris’s own brand of tough love is the only way to snap them out of their “comfort zone”? Especially if they ride around in one of those motorized carts at the store. Chris was particularly brutal to those people. Good luck either way, dude.


you are beyond a doubt the most inspirational writer on this site. Your article on Merry Christmas Bob was phenomonal. Have you considered writing something on a daily basis? You truly get my ass up and moving! If I am down I can read one of your writings, and I am motivated and in the moment. You are the drill sargent in my life.


Give it to them. If the article doesn’t kill them, the Oreos will!

Tough love is a bitch


Jaystyles and company: Thanks! I appreciate it!

The MaxX: I would be afraid they’d be so offended by the language that they’d miss the message. When dealing with loved ones, it’s sometimes best to take them through baby steps instead of unloading both barrels on them. Depends on their personalities. The harsh stuff may work with some people.

I’d suggest a kinder and gentler approach at first, maybe “I love you and don’t want to attend your funeral anytime soon. What can I do to help?” If that doesn’t work, get tough. The pattern of behavior with tough love is predictable. They’ll get mad at first, then will slowly come around and do the right thing.

It sounds like they aren’t ready for a “diet” but rather a set of very general guidelines. Maybe start with:

  1. Better food choices. Tell them they can eat as much as they want but it can’t be junk. Make a short of list of foods they should avoid: candy, ice cream, fried foods, sugary foods, pastries etc. The really obvious stuff. Start only with this limitation.

  2. Food substitutions. White bread becomes grainy dark bread, whole milk becomes skim or carb free (Hood brand), ice cream becomes 15 calorie popsicles, cereal becomes oatmeal etc. Choose sugar free foods (with Splenda) over regular foods where appropriate. Go with them to the grocery store and help with these substitutions.

  3. One cheat meal per week, anything they want and as much of it as they want. It must be planned in advance and scheduled. I find that a cheat meal is often the key. Most people will give up if they’re told never to eat what they like again. With a cheat meal, they can eat what they want every week – once. Being on target 90% of the time is better than being off target 100% of the time.

  4. After a few weeks of this, evaluate their changes and if needed, encourage them to keep a food log and get detailed. Introduce light exercise, supplements, etc. The secret is to let them see progress and to leave them wanting more. The motivation must become intrinsic.

If all that doesn’t work, lay the article on them and say, “I can’t believe I agree with this guy, but he’s right on the money concerning you two and that sucks.”

[quote]the MaxX wrote:
I’m trying to decide whether or not to print out “die fatty, die” and give it to my parents. They would both get pretty angry and my mom would probably cry.

They’re both very overweight, but my mom is the worst. They just went out and bought groceries and got 2 things of Eddy’s Ice Cream. One of the gallon containers is finished, a mere 30 minutes later.

My mom has tried every diet around, and they’re starting to listen to me, but they’re still not good at the “Stop-Eating-Fucking-Oreos Diet”

Thoughts? And yes, I know just about everyone is going to say give it to them, they had it coming, etc., because it describes them perfectly. I’m looking for some more articulate responses if possible. Thanks T-crew.[/quote]

I sent it to my mom. She was offended. After she got over the initial shock she said wow
“that’s the truth” It is all about accountability and committment. People need to hear the “word.”

How can you expect change doing the same shit??

[quote]RoadWarrior wrote:
Chris,you are beyond a doubt the most inspirational writer on this site. Have you considered writing something on a daily basis? [/quote]


I don’t think I could write a good web log entry or article on a daily basis. The ones that get the most responses are written while in a state of anger, frustration or excitement, and I’m just not angry, frustrated or excited every day. I couldn’t fake it either. I’ve tried to write a motivation article when not truly “feeling it” and it never works out. It’s like trying to be funny when you’re mad or depressed. It just doesn’t happen.

Also, my schedule wouldn’t allow it. The web log is sort of an extra thing we do on top of other things - editing, article writing, interviewing, misc. site stuff like T-Jack upkeep, etc. Sometimes I feel like jumping on there and sharing a small tidbit of info, but I end up saving those for a “Random Acts” post.

Nice to know daily blogging would be read though! Maybe we can do that someday.

[quote]Chris Shugart wrote:
RoadWarrior wrote:
Chris,you are beyond a doubt the most inspirational writer on this site. Have you considered writing something on a daily basis?


I don’t think I could write a good web log entry or article on a daily basis. The ones that get the most responses are written while in a state of anger, frustration or excitement, and I’m just not angry, frustrated or excited every day. I couldn’t fake it either. I’ve tried to write a motivation article when not truly “feeling it” and it never works out. It’s like trying to be funny when you’re mad or depressed. It just doesn’t happen.

Also, my schedule wouldn’t allow it. The web log is sort of an extra thing we do on top of other things - editing, article writing, interviewing, misc. site stuff like T-Jack upkeep, etc. Sometimes I feel like jumping on there and sharing a small tidbit of info, but I end up saving those for a “Random Acts” post.

Nice to know daily blogging would be read though! Maybe we can do that someday.


Don’t sell yourself short. You are an excellent writer. You seem to have some interesting tales to tell. And as far as writing a book, well, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I’d buy a copy in a second.


Another Canadian vote for Chris.

MAn, thanks for this bro. I’ve got them eating better and they swore they’d start eating more like me. I told them all about the cheat meals, and even threw away their ice cream and replaced it with the popsicles (hopefully they won’t kill me for that one!)

If this shit still doesn’t work, then she’s gettin’ the bomb dropped on her.

Once again, thanks man. Truly.

[quote]the MaxX wrote:
MAn, thanks for this bro. I’ve got them eating better and they swore they’d start eating more like me. I told them all about the cheat meals, and even threw away their ice cream and replaced it with the popsicles (hopefully they won’t kill me for that one!)

If this shit still doesn’t work, then she’s gettin’ the bomb dropped on her.

Once again, thanks man. Truly.[/quote]

You rock! Good to hear you care enough about your parents’ health to say something. Wish them luck for me. Hell…just get them on T-Nation and I’ll do it myself.