So sorry. I know how much you loved him.
Or she might not! Hard to say.
Buttons and we had an out-of-town sleepover last night. It was very fun, especially as she seems to be feeling much better. On the way home today we stopped for ice cream, which was also fun and made us all feel better.
Buttons loves the big pile of blankets, huh?
Thats what its looking like! She loves when my son sits. Then she sits on the arm rest and looks adoringly at him.
But Me? Nope. I’m like, the interloper.
That is Perfect!
My 16yo barn cat Ozzy has decided to be a house panther from now on. Having a cat in the house is very different from a large working dog. But I love Ozzy, has he is the best cat ever.
I bottle fed him as a kitten. We found him in a hay wagon with his litter mates. He hunt like no other cat and he did spend many hours purring away in my winter jacket when I was coaching long cold hours.
Good kitty. He’ll be a great house panther.