Hey, amazing site here. I just discovered it a few weeks ago; it changed everything I do in the gym. Wow, you kick men’s health’s ass! Your information is so much better, clearer, and funnier. Without all those pointless “how to be a better lover/ballplayer/barbequer” articles. You rock! Thanks to all who make testosterone.net possible!
Now I’m hoping someone out there might be able to help me. I’m on week three of Ian King’s 12-week Chest and Back program, phase 1. I’m doing the Overhead dumbbell triceps extensions (first exercise in the tricep superset). I think I’m doing it like the picture, but my shoulder’s screaming. It’s the shoulder pain that prevents me from taking on more weight, not my tricep.
My question: am I positioning wrong, or are my shoulders just weak? (I’ve had periodic tightness and tenderness in the shoulders since I started this workout, more than the basic soreness in other muscle groups).
(In case it’s relevant, I’m 6’1", 190lb, 28yrs, pretty good shape but new to lifting)
Thanks all,