On Wednesday I was going for a max on floor presses and screwed up my shoulder. I haven’t had any problems with the distance in the last few weeks but on Wednesday I guess it was an inch too high or something and I had to bring my shoulders forward to get the weight off the pins. Well I completed the rep but from the very beginning I could tell my shoulder was screwed up. Well it’s been hurting since then but I figured it had healed up somewhat so I started benching today and by my 2nd warm up set I could feel some pain/discomfort already, so rather than being a dumbass and trying to push through actual pain (rather than muscular pain) I did a different workout. Rack chins felt a little uncomfortable but I got through it.
Any suggestions? I workout bench/pushing exercises twice a week with today being my lighter day but obviously I couldn’t even do that. My next day involving benching was planned to be for Wednesday going pretty heavy but I don’t want to hurt myself and be out of this for weeks/months.
Does this seem like a rotator cuff injury? I’ve had some shoulder pain for a few years now when I sleep on it or pitch (I remember in my senior year of high school I couldn’t even play dodgeball anymore) but it’s never hurt during lifting until this happened.
If I should take time off, do you guys who have dealt with this or know more about it have any suggestions for what to do in the meantime? It’s sort of ironic because this is the one time in my lifting career I’ve really focused on my bench over just increasing size all over (which I still am, but also doing this) and now it gets screwed up. I figured if I have to stop then until it heals I would stick with a few isolation exercises for tri’s, shoulders, and maybe any chest movements I can do that don’t involve pressing.
Thanks for the help