Somewhat shameless plug but if anyone hasnt taken two weeks to do these, they are missing out. Some serious gains with a little conistency!
aka Shoulder dislocates. I do a few of these between sets of any pressing movement (cranky shoulders in the past, they also provide good stretch for pecs). From past posts I know that BHOLL here on the site does not like these. He is obviously a medical professional (?) and I hope he chimes in on what the downside is to this movement (more harm than good?).
[quote]Grove wrote:
aka Shoulder dislocates. I do a few of these between sets of any pressing movement (cranky shoulders in the past, they also provide good stretch for pecs). From past posts I know that BHOLL here on the site does not like these. He is obviously a medical professional (?) and I hope he chimes in on what the downside is to this movement (more harm than good?). [/quote]
I just think you can achieve the same (if) not more effectiveness from PNF mobility work biasing muscle stretching while avoiding joint end-range movement. The shoulder dislocates to me seem to place un-needed stress on the joint capsule non-contractile tissue but to each their own, if it helps then go for it.