Tonight my buddy came over to work out with me. We were doing chest and started out doing 75lb dumbells for 10 reps then 80’s for 8 twice then on the fourth set we did 75’s well on his sixth rep his shoulder joint popped out when pushing the weight back up. He was in some pretty good pain but could still work it a full range of motion. My question is that should I make him go to the doctor ? he says he’s ok but I don’t want him to be seriously injured. He said he is going to take the rest of the week off and re-evaluate it next week. My friend has had no previous arm, chest or shoulder injuries. I will drag him to the doctor myself if need be. Need some help here gang.
Is he a stupid idiot? I don’t know if his shoulder got partially dislocated or what but if he was in lots of pain I don’t know why he wouldn’t go to a doctor & I don’t know why you haven’t made him yet. Pain is the body’s way of saying something’s wrong isn’t it??
I talked to him today and he said that it still hurts pain is like a 7-8 only when he lifts his arm above shoulder length. He is going to see a physical therapist on friday but is going to try to get to the doc before then. He knows he’s hurt I think he is just scared that it might be a rotator cuff or something. Plus it’s hard for him to get his insurance to pay for an MRI.
Never hesitate going to the doc. It is a sign of weakness to ignore a problem. See my story elsewhere, maybe you can help. STOP it if the pain is sudden and sharp. " No pain, no gain" is outdated like eating raw egg for muscle protein, man. Smart ache 12-36 hrs. after a workout is good, not pain during a set. Get your friend to the doc. Good that you have concern like that.
Your friend should definitely see a doctor. All nerves and arteries running to the arm pass through the shoulder joint. If your friend dislocated his shoulder and it relocated itself incorrectly these vessels could become pinched. This is potenially deadly.