Hi guys,
I’m fairly new to working out (as in 5 months). I started at a local gym which is more of a sports gym. Which means that they don’t have all the correct equipment for lifting e.g. Olympic barbells and squat rack etc. I’ve found a better gym for my requirements close by but I don’t know if I should restart my program or just carry on from where I was.
My program is Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 BBB I’m in my 3rd month right now and I’m enjoying it. But the barbells I’ve been using is a junior bar and I’ve been doing squats and bench press’s in a smith machine. Should I restart my program with updated 1rm in this gym or not?
Thanks in advance!
[quote]GBWookie wrote:
My program is Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 BBB I’m in my 3rd month right now and I’m enjoying it. But the barbells I’ve been using is a junior bar and I’ve been doing squats and bench press’s in a smith machine. Should I restart my program with updated 1rm in this gym or not?
Thanks in advance! [/quote]
Yes, retest your lifts - especially bench press and press since free weights are a completely different animal.
[quote]GBWookie wrote:
My program is Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 BBB I’m in my 3rd month right now and I’m enjoying it. But the barbells I’ve been using is a junior bar and I’ve been doing squats and bench press’s in a smith machine. Should I restart my program with updated 1rm in this gym or not?
Thanks in advance! [/quote]
Yes, retest your lifts - especially bench press and press since free weights are a completely different animal.
[quote]GBWookie wrote:
My program is Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 BBB I’m in my 3rd month right now and I’m enjoying it. But the barbells I’ve been using is a junior bar and I’ve been doing squats and bench press’s in a smith machine. Should I restart my program with updated 1rm in this gym or not?
Thanks in advance! [/quote]
Yes, retest your lifts - especially bench press and press since free weights are a completely different animal.
x2 [/quote]
Retest all four main lifts with the Olympic bar. Weight used on a Smith isn’t comparable to free weights, so don’t stress if the numbers are the same or even slightly less. Adjust the training maxes as needed and jump right back into the plan.
[quote]tsantos wrote:
Just to derail, has anyone else noticed a trend of fuckers doing leg presses with the Smith machine (they are on their back, feet on the bar)?
Where do people get this shit?[/quote]
Probably from Ed Zercher. An image search will bring up his photo of doing it with a squat bar.
There’s a photo of Paul Anderson doing the same, in a contraption that’s even more like a smith machine than Zercher’s.
As for why stuff like this is popular all of a sudden, I have no idea.
Probably Crossfitty something or other → Zerchers → photos of Zercher’s barbell leg press → someone writing an article about it → …