Should I Lose Weight or Pack on Mass First?

I’m confused as to whether or not I should lose weight or put on some mass first.

180 pds

Based on the following pictures, what is your opinion of me? And please he honest. I could use constructive criticism.

One more.

What are your goals? Do you want to be 200 lbs and just a big dude? Or a lean 170? Or what? No one knows what you “should” do until you supply a bit more info.

I’d like to be muscular lean (is that still vague). Lean 170 or lean 180 is good.

But I want to step into the right direction.

I think, if you’re truly a beginner, you should eat at or around maintenance and focus solely on getting stronger. Throw some light conditioning in on a few off days.

You’re in a pretty sweet position right now to add muscle while dropping fat just by getting serious with diet and training. So do it!

DO NOT do what I did: wanted to get lean. So I dropped weight and ate too little. The end result? I didn’t get stronger, and I didn’t look any better. I dropped to my lowest at 185 a year ago (at 6’2"!) which was too light.

I didn’t have the muscle mass I needed to get and look good lean. Now at 205 I almost look like I lift weights. Lots of work to do because of the time I wasted trying to get lean from the start.

We have fairly similar body types, so my answer would be to not worry too much about cutting or bulking. Just eat a decent amount of good, clean food and lift heavier shit each time you hit the gym.


Once you start eating right and training for least 6 months your body will look different. You will naturally lose fat and gain mass. Dont worry when you first start. That is something you decide later after you have built a nice foundation