Bulk or Cut?

I’ve been training about a year. For the first three months I was doing my own thing then I discovered this website and got my training and nutrition on track.

For the past couple of months I have been doing starting strength and I have been dieting down for a while but am very anxious to bulk up but I would like some advice on whether I should continue cutting or start Bulking up. I am 6’1" and 180 Lbs.


Legs Again


I think you should bulk. Your bodyfat appears to be reasonably low and you are in no way fat. You could however stand to gain some muscle.

Just keep lifting and working on getting bigger and stronger.

You don’t have to follow an all-out bulking plan to do that.

[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
Just keep lifting and working on getting bigger and stronger.

You don’t have to follow an all-out bulking plan to do that.[/quote]


OP, I wasted a ton of time because I wanted abs. I was about 185 at 6’2" and looked about like you when I realized this abs thing might be a poor choice given my current mass.

Eat a good amount of clean food and focus on getting stronger.


I would say bulk. Winter is coming and it’s a good time. You could do a solid 6 months and see where you stand. Just do it very gradually. You could add 10-15 pounds of mass, then do an 8-12 week cut in the spring and you would look pretty good in time for summer with a solid base to work from.

I wouldn’t advise getting above 20% bf though. It just makes things harder later and it isn’t necessary imho.

bulk, just my .02

Theres nothing to cut…

And do some arm work.

the answer is always bulk