Normally I’m more concerned about my overall physique over my actual weight; however, they’re having a weight loss competition at my gym and the weigh in is Monday March 3rd. My last day of the Vdieting was yesterday 2/28. I’m probably going against a lot of chubby people that just cut back from 3 double cheeseburgers to 1 for a month and dropped 30 lbs so I need to try to maximize weight loss any way possible without hurting myself.
I read “Shredded in 6 Days”, and from some Shugart posts I had read he lost around 5 lbs in water when he was experimenting for the article. Since this doesn’t yet apply to me fully I didn’t go through this process even though water weight seems to drop on day 6.
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to lose the maximum amount of water weight by Monday morning so I can get the best weight loss number.
Thanks in advance.