I squat 3 day/week (Mon - heavy, Wed - light, Fri - heavy) and also deadlift on Wednesdays.
On Tues/Thurs, I have gym class in school which consists of about 16 minutes warmup (7 min jog, 1 min walk, 7 min jog, 1 min walk).
On top of all this leg activity, I have gained about 10 lbs in the past 2 months or so.
So…while jogging in gym class today, I was getting a very painful soreness in my anterior shin muscles. I researched a little bit and this is supposedly very common among runners or those who use their lower body frequently.
Problem is, I have to jog pretty slowly to make it through the jog, and even so, its often in a huge amount of pain. My gym teacher thinks I’m not trying and is taking points off my grade. The real problem isn’t my cardiovascular strength for the jog - that’s easy. However, my shins are just KILLING me.
so unless I find out how to fix the problem, I might get a B in gym (if I get 8/10 points for every gym class). One obvious solution is to lift with legs 1x/week instead of 3. However I am making some nice gains on my current template and don’t want to change it for something like school gym class.
Do you guys have any suggestions? Is there some sort of deep tissue work I can do on my shins with a tennis ball?
Also, advice about the situation in general would be appreciated.
i don’t think it’s a matter of the weight on your shins. i think that actually jogging/running is the cause. when i first went to military school and we had to start running every day i deveoped really bad shin splints.
i tried everything: stretching, ice/heat, all that stuff. the thing that worked for me actually was changing running shoes. i wear mizuno’s and they freaking rock.
also, when you’re laying in bed just beforeyou go to sleep, stretch out the muscle that runs across your shin. point your toes away from you, then tryto curl your toes towards your knees, then draw the alphabet with your big toe. sounds stupid but helped me a lot.
Yeah its the jogging. Heaven forbid I ever do that again. Speak to your PE teacher and hope that he/she isn’t some narrow minded neardenthal that will tell you to try harder and ding your grade.