Having heard a lot about Sheiko on these boards lately, I decided to run a quick cycle myself. The program I used was sheiko #29 off of the elitefts website. My results:
Squat 405x1 (25lb PR)
Bench 315x failure (PR was 310 pre-sheiko)
Deadlift 475x1 (20lb PR)
The squat and the deadlift were both fairly smooth, I definetly had a couple more pounds in me. The bench I tried twice and got flattened twice. I was however lifting at a new gym, and absolutely could not get tight (everytime I tried to set my arch I would slide up the overly slippery bench).
I made minimal changes to the program. I exaggerated my bench press starting numbers by 5%, as I’d read that recommendation in multiple places. I also did two heavy walkouts (110%+) after my last sets of squats each workout, because the program never called for more than 85% and I wanted to feel heavy weights on my back.
I feel the walkouts were beneficial. I can’t comment on the exaggerating the bench press as I dont know if it was the program or the new bench that caused problems.
My diet was simple, eating a lot and eating mostly clean. Only supplements were whey and creatine. Weight stayed the same, fluctuating around 235.
My numbers are still pretty puny for my size, but I’m more than happy with 45 pounds on my total in 5 weeks.
Vids are in my profile if your interested.