Sheiko Programs = Results!

For the past 2 years I followed a Westside Barbell type routine and experienced little to moderate results. My triceps and hamstrings got real strong but my powerlifts just weren’t going where I knew that they could be. I happened upon some powerlifting routines by Russian powerlifting coach Boris Sheiko. They basically call for a shitload of volume working the actual three powerlifts themselves instead of a conjugated system like Westside. I figured what the hell and decided to give the beginners #1 and #2 preparation period programs a try.

I broke down the next 3 months of training like this: Month 1 - Beginners Program #1, instead of doing 3 days of one large training session, I did 3 days of 2 mini sessions each day. Sheiko programs call for something like a Squat, Bench, Squat, and a couple of assistance exercises workout. Instead I would do Squat, Bench in the AM, and then Squat, Assistance exercises in the PM. I kinda borrowed this mentality from Chad Waterbury’s articles and work by Pavel Tsatsouline. After Month 1’s beginner program I maxed out on my 3 powerlifts.

Month 2 was more like 3 weeks but instead of going to a competition period program I used Kettlebells 2 days a week and Power Rings for the other 2 days. I didn’t really follow a set program, some days maybe I would do an EDT workout on Rings, then the next a ladder workout with KB’s. This was more like a fun relaxing period and I feel that this helped me with my results. I then took a week off before I started the next phase.

Month 3 was beginners #2 program. Same setup as Month 1 except I added in some sled work on my off days. Then at the end I maxed out on my powerlifts.

The results? My bench went from 350lbs. to 410lbs., my squat went from 385 to 460, and my deadlift(sumo) went from a 455 to a 515. My bodyweight stayed roughly the same at 180-185lbs.

I did all of this WITHOUT any type of anabolics or any other performance enhancing drugs. The time period this took place was from October to December of this year.

Maybe my background had something to do with it. My ancestors were from Prussia and Finland. Areas were Eastern bloc training programs are used with success. But for whatever reason these worked!

On a side note, make sure you add in stretching and scapular work after your bench sessions. Some weeks you bench up to 5 times! I promise you that if you don’t do some type of prehab for your shoulders and lower back you will be sorry. These routines are not for the faint of heart.

Next up: The Smolov Squat Cycle.

Congrats on the results.

Good old Soviet training is what I’m into too atm. I started with the Smolov squat cycle, am on week 3 of 13.

I hope that I can make it through. My knees and hip already cry for mercy so my advice to you would be get some of those Rehband type of jointwraps.

If I survive I’ll continue either with Sheiko or Korte 3x3 followed by another soviet squat cycle from 1974 or 1976.

the only way to explain that progress is COMPLETELY AWESOME SHIT.

[quote]eisenaffe wrote:
Congrats on the results.

Good old Soviet training is what I’m into too atm. I started with the Smolov squat cycle, am on week 3 of 13.

I hope that I can make it through. My knees and hip already cry for mercy so my advice to you would be get some of those Rehband type of jointwraps.

If I survive I’ll continue either with Sheiko or Korte 3x3 followed by another soviet squat cycle from 1974 or 1976.[/quote]

Thanks man. I plan on doing the Smolov in another 3-4 months. Let me know how the results were for you.

I think a lot of people forget that the Conjugate/Westside method works best in advanced trainees. For intermediate powerlifters, like you, more volume is often the best choice because you’re still programming your CNS for the lifts.

I’d bet that your training with high volume routines would eventually plateau, although you’ll definitely build a lot of strength in the process, and you’ll then have to switch to other methods.

Anyway, congrats on your results and keep on training brother!

Why doesn’t the program have any back exercises at all?

Great progress. The Russians know their stuff. Good luck to anyone who tries the smolov. Even Pavel’s abbreviated version looks seriously tough!

I have been Powerlifting for 10 years. These last 1.5 years I have been using high frequency (3x3 or Sheiko) and have been making gains. I believe the Sheiko routine is the way to go. I think the Westside method sets up a nice off-season routine, but when traing for contest nothing beats training like you are competing.


Those are great results…is all that raw lifts?

[quote]Florida Titan wrote:
Why doesn’t the program have any back exercises at all?[/quote]

Is deadliftng and squatting not enough?

Plus the OP mentioned assistance work.

Please don’t tell me you think this style of training sucks because of the lack of specific assistance work?

[quote]greekdawg wrote:
Charlemagne wrote:The results? My bench went from 350lbs. to 410lbs., my squat went from 385 to 460, and my deadlift(sumo) went from a 455 to a 515. My bodyweight stayed roughly the same at 180-185lbs.

Those are great results…is all that raw lifts?

I wore a belt for maxing out on deadlifts and squats. No bench shirt.

congratulations on the good results.

i have done boris sheiko many times. always with good results.

smolov i have done twice. do a seach for smolov on this site to find my level of progress.

i am very satisfied with the russian programs.

i have an excel spreadsheet for the smolov program, also with a full layout of the switching period.

pm with your mail if you want this.

[quote]carter12 wrote:
I think a lot of people forget that the Conjugate/Westside method works best in advanced trainees.

Shit, I wish you would have told me that before I put 500 pounds on my total using the basic Westside template…

[quote]ChuckyT wrote:
Shit, I wish you would have told me that before I put 500 pounds on my total using the basic Westside template… [/quote]

Please point out to me where he says Westside doesn’t work.

Charlemagne, good results. Could you give us the link to where you found the Sheiko programs.

These look like what he was talking about.

Could you please e-mail the spreadsheet for the sheiko workout please? PM for email address. Thanks alot.

Good stuff. I tried the Sheiko beginner template but never finished. My lower back and hips were killing me and trying to do 2 sessions per day wasn’t working for me. However, I do plan to go back to this method of training sometime in the next 6 months when I’m no longer afraid to add a few lbs.

Awesome results! Do us all a favor, and if you’re willing to, share the details of your training programs. Let’s see what the percentages are with what rep ranges.

Two of the strongest guys I know both train with Sheiko programs and related training philosophies. So I’m not surprised.

Again, awesome results and keep on kicking ass. Your numbers rock.

[quote]stallion wrote:
i have an excel spreadsheet for the smolov program, also with a full layout of the switching period.

pm with your mail if you want this.

It would be nice if you could post the routine for the switching period for Smolov.

What I’m thinking on doing in the switching period is:

  • jump squats with 25-35%
  • box squats with bands 25-35%
  • broad jumps
  • cleans and snatches in all variations
    and of course the heavy negatives twice a week.

Sorry for the hijack!