I remember reading that Sheiko was originally a Olympic lifting program. Does anyone know where I can find this program? or perhaps know how to change the Sheiko program into a olympic one.
The sheiko program I found was from elitefts.com If there is another sheiko program please let me know.
I might be wrong, but I don’t think Sheiko was an olympic program originally. The program is based upon a lot of research on what works best in weightlifting (Prilepins chart I think) and then there is also a lot research on what works specifically for powerlifting.
It was never a “weightlifting program”. Sheiko was a weightlifting coach who applied the Soviet olympic lifting methodology to powerlifting. There’s a lot of similarities in terms of frequency and %'s between them, but trying to morph one directly into another would be ass backwards. You’re better off just finding stuff on Soviet weightlifting and starting from there.
Also understand that what you are finding are just example templates for how Sheiko trained powerlifters. They can vary far and wide based on who they are directed at experience wise and where that person is in relation to upcoming competitions.
[quote]acncampo wrote:
Okay, so it isn’t originally a program for Olympic weightlifting. Do you think it is possible it would work for olympic lifts?[/quote]
Would you not be better doing a specific olympic lift program that has been proven to work? If you want something high volume and high frequency, have a lot at some of the Bulgarian cycles.
The program you are looking for is found in two books, both my Medvedyev, and both can be bought from Bud Charniga. The program itself is found in “A Program of Multi-year Training in Weightlifting” and the theory behind it is found in “A System of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting.”
The program itself consists of the 6 “piecemeal programs” developed by Medvedyev to train beginners through candidates for master of sport. There are no piecemeal programs for masters of sport and beyond, although their training methods are outlined in the other book.
Although I have no actual evidence, I assume that this info and the other weightlifting texts are Boris Sheiko’s foundation for his powerlifting programs, along with his own expertise/research, based on their similarities.
Do not try to turn Sheiko into a weightlifting program. That’s like turning Westside into one, which hasn’t been effective for those who tried. Since both programs probably use fundamental info from these two sources you might as well go and get the real deal.
You can also get the Russian manuals from Elitefts.
Ya both can. I love the program. I’m finishing up the class II program right now and I’ve seem some good improvements. Honestly, it’s probably the best program that you’ll be able to find in America because it outlines the training of low-class athletes, which is where we’re at (and practically everyone else). You won’t be doing the Bulgarian national team program which a beginner shouldn’t do.
[quote]Yoda-x wrote:
Although I have no actual evidence, I assume that this info and the other weightlifting texts are Boris Sheiko’s foundation for his powerlifting programs, along with his own expertise/research, based on their similarities.[/quote]
I have come to this conclusion on my own as well. Basically all the sets/reps/intensities and volume prescriptions are directly out of Medvedyev’s work. I have read that Sheiko was an assistant under him for a period of time, as well.