From what I’ve seen, SPF a joke of a federation. Seem to remember seeing quite a few sky high (this is coming from a multiply guy, mind you) squats from the Westside guys at that meet that SPF had in Tennessee last December too.
Look at where the video is being taken from. You can’t judge depth on squat from the front. The only problem with his bench, if any, was the quick press commands. Quit griping.
[quote]Stronghold wrote:
From what I’ve seen, SPF a joke of a federation. Seem to remember seeing quite a few sky high (this is coming from a multiply guy, mind you) squats from the Westside guys at that meet that SPF had in Tennessee last December too.[/quote]
How DARE you bash my fed! Didn’t you know I’m the teenage 220 squat, bench, and total record holder? LOL
But yeah, the judging is shit quite often. My last meet was SPF. All about politics there.
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
165StateChamp wrote:
Look at where the video is being taken from. You can’t judge depth on squat from the front.
That’s how just about every fed. judges depth.[/quote]
No, the front judge rarely chimes in on depth unless the squat is clearly high. His job is checking on foot fouls, the lifter missing commands, etc. The side judges monitor depth.
[quote]165StateChamp wrote:
Look at where the video is being taken from. You can’t judge depth on squat from the front. The only problem with his bench, if any, was the quick press commands. Quit griping. [/quote]
[quote]165StateChamp wrote:
Look at where the video is being taken from. You can’t judge depth on squat from the front. The only problem with his bench, if any, was the quick press commands. Quit griping. [/quote]
Oh please, whatever. This is such bullshit. Show me one case where a squat was video taped from the side and looked legit but shot from the front and looked high. It is not substantially harder to judge depth from the front than it is from the side. The same ways that perspective skews an image from the front skews an image from the side. Anyone with half a brain can compensate for the angle and figure out about where the hip is in relation to the knee.
Of course if it’s really close I wouldn’t want to call it from a front video, but then again if it was really close I wouldn’t want to call it from any ammature footage taken with a cheap camera by someone in the audience, from the side or the front.
The bottom line is that those squats where high. The 970 was the highest, and the 1055 the deepest. In response to the amusing Mike Miller comments, I’d call the 970 “mike miller high”, but not the 1055. The 1055 was still high, but surely not mike-miller-a-drunk-could-see-that-the-butt-was-still-above-the-knees high.
The guy’s obviously very strong, and there are some videos on youtube of him doing much nicer 1000lb squats, but these new ones are clearly high. Anyone here can call me whatever names you want, but your just denying the obvious. The bit at the end of the video about “strict judging” was funny too.
I’m not one for internet judging and the like, but seriously?
Squats were Mike Miller high.
How the hell do you get a press command when then bar is still descending? Or a rack command when your elbows aren’t locked out?[/quote]
No no, all the defenders are already scurrying out here to tell you how you’re just a jealous and weak wanna-be trying to internet-judge his squat from the front.
Anyone notice how no one ever has to defend the IPF guy’s squat depth? I wonder why, since most of those videos are shot from the front as well, and we all know how hard it is to judge from the front.
[quote]Hanley wrote:
165StateChamp wrote:
Look at where the video is being taken from. You can’t judge depth on squat from the front. The only problem with his bench, if any, was the quick press commands. Quit griping.
I thought the benches looked pretty clean tho tbh.[/quote]
Exactly. I’m partial to this video myself:
One can see what an at-parallel wide stance squat actually looks like from the front. Notice that the camera angles are virtually the same. Compare Mikesell at 0:23 to Frankl at 3:01.
[quote]DF85 wrote:
Sucks that Brian Schwab bombed. I hope Chuck Vogelpohl kicks ass tommarow.[/quote]
I like Schwab, but ALL of his squats are high in training. I have rarely seen the guy get to parallel. He is a great lifter but he needs to take his squats down more often.
[quote]Ruggerlife wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
crashcrew56 wrote:
I don’t think the gear has really been getting much better within the past few years, now if you were talking about 10yr old records I would say that maybe the gear improvements had a hand in it. The only new gear improvements I can think of that have come about recently is the Overkill Gear, but not too many guys are using that right now
i just remember a recent thread with raw records and they were all from early 90s and such and still standing.
Part of the reason so many raw records are still standing is because raw lifting is only now making a comeback in popularity. That list is actually new so for years guys didn’t really have a record to chase. Give it some time and many of those will be surpassed.[/quote]
Exactly Rugger! All the best lifters in the sport do multiply right now. As raw picks up more followers then you will see the records start to fall. I am sure Stan Efferding is going to take the squat, bench, dead and total records at 275 soon! Check out this video of his squat and deads Stan Efferding 765 Raw Pull - 800 Raw Squat - Ryan Spencer - 605 x 2 Raw Pull - YouTube
[quote]sandeld wrote:
So, is it safe to say that USAPL is the most strict or does that fed not hold any water with the “real” lifters?
Serious question here. I’m just starting out in PL and plan on doing USAPL raw.[/quote]
USAPL is very strict on average joe lifters, and enforce the rules to a ridiculous extent. If
you’re a big name lifter, then they go easier on you. For instance:
Average Joe is required to be at least 2 inches below parallel.
Brian Siders is required to be parallel.
Siders’ squats are legit powerlifting depth, but they require everyone else to go above and beyond.
One of my buddy’s is judging at the meet I’m doing next month, but I highly doubt he’s going to put his reputation on the line for a first timer like me to give me any slack in judging. lol
USAPL is very strict on average joe lifters, and enforce the rules to a ridiculous extent. If
you’re a big name lifter, then they go easier on you. For instance:
Average Joe is required to be at least 2 inches below parallel.
Brian Siders is required to be parallel.
Siders’ squats are legit powerlifting depth, but they require everyone else to go above and beyond.
I don’t know, Stews. I have handled some big name lifters at National and International comps and I have had more lifters “robbed” than “gifted.”
Siders is one of those guys who is brutally strong but a technical nightmare. He is always on teh verge of bombing. In particular at a World event.
Additionally, as a local meet directer of many years, I pull people out of chairs if they are being too easy or too strict. I’ve pulled a judge over too long of press counts.
The reality of things is I have seen the organization, both domestically and internationally, work very hard to get the depth standard to that of convincingly deep as opposed to ridiculously deep.
Most judges I know give the benefit to the lifter if it is close.
However, in any fed you are going to have judges with what I call the “show me” mentality. They start with a red light and it is incumbent on the lifter to prove otherwise. These folks aren’t good for the sport and I think that is widely recognized.
The problem is you tend to only hear negative stories. Shit, look at the tone of the posts from the Pro-Am.
[quote]Stronghold wrote:
From what I’ve seen, SPF a joke of a federation. Seem to remember seeing quite a few sky high (this is coming from a multiply guy, mind you) squats from the Westside guys at that meet that SPF had in Tennessee last December too.[/quote]
Having lost a squat on a depth call in that same TN meet, I’ll chime in. The depth judging was not loose at that meet. I can point you in the direction of a couple boyos that didn’t get a total that day on account of depth calls. It took me two bites to get my opener and I had to squat fairly deep to get mine in- see video below.
I saw two of Panora’s and one of Luke Edwards from the side crouching next to John Bott- all three looked legit. They squat very differently than I do and their range of motion is a lot different- but their lifts looked good from the side, where depth ought to be judged. As for the SPF as a whole, I have lifted, spotted, loaded, and handled in APF, WNPF, APA, SPF, and APC meets and the judging is all about the same from what I have seen.