Self Made Program = Self Made Results

I am a University Wrestler looking to improve my strength while adding a small amount / Large amount of weight ( if it were possible ) I have created my own program to follow. It will be a combination of the meat and potato lifts and some strong man training. Below is said program. I will be following my program for about 12 weeks and will record my results each week. I will also include my daily meal plan below. If there are any un expected obstacles such as an injury that will also be recorded. One thing to keep in mind i won’t be beginning until october 1st as i am currently doing some pre season training with my team. Hopefully ill be able to get a before picture up and after photo as well. I look forward to your comments and advice.

Start Weight - 156 lbs

Goal Weight - 165 lbs

Other goals - Get as strong as possible, Win Nationals, Compete in the Jr. World champion Ships

Height - 5 foot 11

Body Fat % - 8 - 10 % - Rough Estimate

Daily Meal Plan - Will follow every day, I will likely have one cheat meal each week ( i will record for you if i do )

Breakfast - 3 Whole eggs, 2 Slice Whole grain bread with Peanut butter, 1 Orange, 500ml Whole MIlk 3.25 % , Eggs cooked in canola oil, eaten with Ketchup or Salsa

Snack - Mixed veggies, Ranch dressing, Half cup of Raw Peppatas ( High protean high carb, high calorie seed ) 1 granola Bar, 1 apple

Lunch - 1 can of tuna, 2 tsp mayo, 1 whole wheat wrap, 1 whole avocado

Post Workout - 1 scoop Flavourless Whey protein, 1 cup raw large flake oats, 500 ml Whole Milk 3.25%, Some Choco syrup for flavour

Dinner - 1 chicken breast or 1 steak with white or sweat potatoes and spinach salad with extra virgin olive oil

Snack - 1 cup Greek Yogurt or 1 half cup Cottage Cheese

Daily - 2 - 3 L water

The Program - Will have weights performed after first week into the program

Monday - Upper body

Exercise A - Flat Bar Bell Bench Press - Work up to a heavy set of 3 - 5

Exercise B - Incline Db Bench Press - 4 x 6 - 10 Reps

Exercise C - Db Rows - 4 x 6 - 10

Exercise D - 5 x Heavy Farmers Walk

Exercise E - 3 x Fail Sit Ups

Wednesday - Lower Body

Exercise A - Dead Lift From Pins - Work up to a Heavy set of 3 - 5

Exercise B - Bulgarian Split Squats - 3 x 10 - 12

Exercise C - GHR - 3 x 10 - 12

Exercise D - 5 x Heavy Backwards Sled Drag

Exercise E - 3 x Fail Calf Raise

Friday - Upper body

Exercise A - Feat Raised or Suspended Push Ups - Perform 3 Sets of Max Reps ( leave 1 - 2 Reps in the tank )

Exercise B - Band Pull aparts - 3 x 15 - 25

Exercise C - Wide Grip Pull Ups - 4 x 10

Exercise D - Thick Bar Barbell Curls - 4 x 10

Exercise E - 3 x Fail Four Point Plank

All conditioning will come from Wrestling

Well There it is everyone, Wish me luck and post as you see fit!

Alright guys so i started my program today! Everything went well for the most part. Diet is looking good, shoulders are feeling healthy. So here are the states of day one.

Flat Barbell Bench Press -

Warm up set 1 - 45 Lb x 10
Warm up set 2 - 95 Lb x 10
Warm up set 3 - 115 Lb x 8
warm up set 4 - 135 x 7
final set - 145 x 5

Felt good, perhaps should have hit 150 - 155 but better safe than sorry

Db Incline Bench Press -

Set 1 - 30’s Lb x 10
Set 2 - 30’s Lb x 10
Set 3 - 30’s Lb x 10
Set 4 - 30’s Lb x 10

30’s proved to be an ok amount. will be moving up to 35’s next week

I threw in 3 sets of 15 band pull a parts, they felt great ill keep them in the program

Db Rows -

Set 1 - 50 x 10
Set 2 - 50 x 10
Set 3 - 50 x 10
Set 4 - 50 x 9

Only got nine reps on my last set, will use 50’s again next week, my form was great until the last rep of the 4th set

Farmers Walks -

Set 1 - 70’s x 20 M
Set 2 - 70’s x 20 M
Set 3 - 70’s x 20 M
Set 4 - 70’s x 20 M
Set 5 - My grip failed on this set so i didn’t count it as a real work set, i will use 70’s again next week

Sit Ups -

Set 1 - 68
Set 2 - 56
Set 3 - 49

Over all a good day, hope to see some major improvements by week 7


Good luck

Alright so workout day two went pretty well, i realize however my form for split squats needs some work but it isn’t horrible.

Heavy dead lift from the pins -

Warm up sets

1 - 135 x 10
2 - 185 x 5
3 - 205 x 5
4 - 225 x 3

Final set - 245 x 1

I probably should have stopped at 225, but I’m glad i know my 1RM now. My form stayed great all through out. Grip was strong all through out.
Might do one less warm up set next week. Not a bad start.

Bulgarien split squats -

Sets -

1 - 35 DB’s x 10
2 - 35 DB’s x 10
3 - 35 DB’s x 10
4 - 35 DB’s x 10

Form for the first two sets proved to be tricky, my balance was a little off, grip wanted to give out around set three. Form improved a lot on the 3rd and 4th sets. Weight was challenging, thats for sure. One thing to note, at Wrestling last night we did body weight Tabada squats, but i wasn’t feeling them much today.

Glute and Ham raise -

Sets -

1 - Body weight x 7
2 - Body weight x 7
3 - Body weight x 7
4 - Body weight x 7

Hamstrings were toasted… ten on all sets is my goal by week 6, keep a nice slow negative.

Sled pulls -

Sets -

1 - 180 x 20M
2 - 180 x 20M
3 - 225 x 20M
4 - 225 x 20M
5 - 225 x 20M

Last two sets were fairly difficult, kept a good pace not to fast or too slow.

Added some sled pushes

set 1 - 180 x 20M
set 2 - 180 x 20M

These were really hard due to the very low body position.

Calf Raises -

Sets -

1 - 175 x fail
2 - 175 x fail
3 - 175 x fail
4 - 175 x fail

Calfs were barking after these hahaha good for ankle health anyway!

Over all a great day can’t wait for friday! :smiley:

One quick update, I’ve added some things to each day and all those things will stay also i will be adding 4 sets of 6 - 10 feet raised recline rows on friday before band pull a parts, so fridays new order will be this -

Suspended push ups
Feet elevated recline rows
wide grip pull ups
band pull aparts
fat grip curls
4 point plank

Ok guys I hate to say this but this program I’m finding is too much while in season so I’ve decided to try a different routine with less exercises, all this one will have are my most bang for my buck things. My new Log will be called Wrestling Training For Dummies. Sorry everyone, hope you guys still follow me. I promise this one will go for a full 12 weeks