I am a University Wrestler looking to improve my strength while adding a small amount / Large amount of weight ( if it were possible ) I have created my own program to follow. It will be a combination of the meat and potato lifts and some strong man training. Below is said program. I will be following my program for about 12 weeks and will record my results each week. I will also include my daily meal plan below. If there are any un expected obstacles such as an injury that will also be recorded. One thing to keep in mind i won’t be beginning until october 1st as i am currently doing some pre season training with my team. Hopefully ill be able to get a before picture up and after photo as well. I look forward to your comments and advice.
Start Weight - 156 lbs
Goal Weight - 165 lbs
Other goals - Get as strong as possible, Win Nationals, Compete in the Jr. World champion Ships
Height - 5 foot 11
Body Fat % - 8 - 10 % - Rough Estimate
Daily Meal Plan - Will follow every day, I will likely have one cheat meal each week ( i will record for you if i do )
Breakfast - 3 Whole eggs, 2 Slice Whole grain bread with Peanut butter, 1 Orange, 500ml Whole MIlk 3.25 % , Eggs cooked in canola oil, eaten with Ketchup or Salsa
Snack - Mixed veggies, Ranch dressing, Half cup of Raw Peppatas ( High protean high carb, high calorie seed ) 1 granola Bar, 1 apple
Lunch - 1 can of tuna, 2 tsp mayo, 1 whole wheat wrap, 1 whole avocado
Post Workout - 1 scoop Flavourless Whey protein, 1 cup raw large flake oats, 500 ml Whole Milk 3.25%, Some Choco syrup for flavour
Dinner - 1 chicken breast or 1 steak with white or sweat potatoes and spinach salad with extra virgin olive oil
Snack - 1 cup Greek Yogurt or 1 half cup Cottage Cheese
Daily - 2 - 3 L water
The Program - Will have weights performed after first week into the program
Monday - Upper body
Exercise A - Flat Bar Bell Bench Press - Work up to a heavy set of 3 - 5
Exercise B - Incline Db Bench Press - 4 x 6 - 10 Reps
Exercise C - Db Rows - 4 x 6 - 10
Exercise D - 5 x Heavy Farmers Walk
Exercise E - 3 x Fail Sit Ups
Wednesday - Lower Body
Exercise A - Dead Lift From Pins - Work up to a Heavy set of 3 - 5
Exercise B - Bulgarian Split Squats - 3 x 10 - 12
Exercise C - GHR - 3 x 10 - 12
Exercise D - 5 x Heavy Backwards Sled Drag
Exercise E - 3 x Fail Calf Raise
Friday - Upper body
Exercise A - Feat Raised or Suspended Push Ups - Perform 3 Sets of Max Reps ( leave 1 - 2 Reps in the tank )
Exercise B - Band Pull aparts - 3 x 15 - 25
Exercise C - Wide Grip Pull Ups - 4 x 10
Exercise D - Thick Bar Barbell Curls - 4 x 10
Exercise E - 3 x Fail Four Point Plank
All conditioning will come from Wrestling
Well There it is everyone, Wish me luck and post as you see fit!