Perhaps just a nice TRT regimen is best for you? Higher Test is great for some and others is less ‘feel good’ than baseline. Orals can also make you feel like crap. If don’t want to try TRT and just want a cycle maybe try lower test this time ~400mg/wk without orals. Keep diet on point. Test E or C makes no difference.
This right here is exactly why you start with one compound and add one at a time. If you do not know what is causing the issue, you cannot solve the problem.
With that said it cannot be undone (I point this out as more of a lesson for any follow on readers that have never cycled before) and I would follow the advice you have gotten on here. It is very sound advice.
I can’t pin quads. Every time my quads swell and look infected. Same vial of gear can be used on my quads/glutes/delts and only my quads act up.
Apparently there are some minor differences in hormone diffusion rates from the oil based on the muscle injected, but I think it is trivial enough in this case that it shouldn’t be a factor in where you pin.
I pin delts and lats with 1/2" slin pins (27 gauge). You need to be a bit lean to do this. So far lats have not had one injection with pip. Delts were rough for about a month for pip, but now they are used to it.
Glutes are my preferred spot and since you are only pinning 2x a week in a lowish volume of oil they should suffice without needing further spots. Pin right side on Sunday and left glute on Weds. I would still use a 23ga over a 25ga as the glutes are not sensitive. 25ga can be a bit tricky to push the oil through when you’re contorted around your backside but not so much when its in front of you (ie quads and delts etc).
I only do quads on cycles with a 23g. I do TRT in gluten. Was curious if the 23g to 25g in the quads helped at all. Though in truth most of my pain came with a specific brand of Test E I used which caused a hard lump and pain. After changing to another company, no further problems.
@geneticoverride I use 29 gauge 1" for all injections. Takes a tad longer to pull but no other issues. I rotate quads, glutes, delts, gives me six sites since I inject every day. Some minor pip in quads but I’ve found some spots of lateral quads are better than others. If I stay upper third and do it seated I’m much better off. Also compound used impacts pip. I never have pip with test C.
What does your diet and exercise regimen look like. Not wanting to get too “buff” is a touch of a red flag if you’re considering injecting yourself. Make sure you have your diet/training ducks lined well before doing this again.
The most successful run of quad injections came from using 1/2” 28g insulin pins. Still had some bad ones but greatly reduced the amount compared to my normal 23g
Really? No trouble drawing into the 28g? Honestly I have only used 23g because it is sourced from the same place I get the gear. Will definitely look into gauge sizes after everyone’s input.