October 31, 2013, 2:28pm
An older coworker asked me about this “Anti-Aging” supplement today. Even though I hate that term I told him I would look into it. This guy is about 56-57 years old and does not work out regularly. Sorry if that isn’t enough to go on I can try to ask him follow up questions if needed.
I will post anything I find in this thread but if you have your own personal stories/info. I would appreciate those as well.
October 31, 2013, 2:54pm
Ecklonia Cava, Brown Seaweed Extract (Seanol-P)
The third ingredient in Marine-D3 is an extract of brown seaweed (an algae known as Ecklonia cava) called Seanol®-P. Many of Marine-D3’s medical claims appear to relate to this ingredient. The extract has anti-oxidant effects and, according to its manufacturer, BotaMedi, has been authorized by the FDA for use as a dietary ingredient. A recent 12-week double-blind, randomized clinical trial of 97 overweight men and women in Korea showed that a daily dose 144 mg of this extract experienced significant improvements in body weight, BMI, body fat ratio, and waist circumference, compared to those who received placebo – although this comparative benefit was not found for those receiving a lower dose of 72 mg.
However, both low- and high-dose groups showed significant reductions in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and increases in HDL (“good”) cholesterol compared to people receiving placebo, with total cholesterol falling by 14.6 and 18.8 mg/dL in the low- and high-dose groups, respectively (Shin, Phytother Res 2012). The daily dose of Seanol-P in Marine-D3 (80 mg) is similar to the lower dose used in this study, suggesting that Marine-D3 may not reduce body fat but may improve cholesterol levels.