Hi All,
Okay, I was over in the “other” forum (Better Body) but let’s set up shop here.
EDIT: Now it’s [b]Wednesday[/b], my final evening this week.
Got questions?
Hi All,
Okay, I was over in the “other” forum (Better Body) but let’s set up shop here.
EDIT: Now it’s [b]Wednesday[/b], my final evening this week.
Got questions?
Just wanted to add an observation/ question.
[/i]Do you know how far ahead of the game you are by reading and participating on this site?[/i]
In a talk I gave to collegiate athletes yesterday, 2/3 of the crowd did not know what omega-3 fats were. Seriously. They actually had missed the years of press on salmon, etc.
Think about this next time you’re reading up on the glucose tolerance effects and cell membrane incorporation of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.
…then pat your inner nerd on the back. [quote]He’s making you leaner and hyooger every day, after all.[/quote]
LL question for you. It seems everyday new research comes out that such and such food or such and such supplement can help prevent cancer. What do YOU think are the most promsing food vitamins or food supplements that may help in preventing cancer?
Hey Dr L
Saw you on FitTV the other night. Congrats! It would be great if you had your own show.
Quick q . . . I’m 48, looking to continue to add muscle. Supplement-wise (and nutritionally), how can I optimize my testosterone levels to take advantage of my window of opportunity for growth? Thanks.
Good one. This is true of other diseases, too.
To me, cruciferous vegetables that contain phytochemicals called indoles are at he top of the list. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels Sprouts.
Dietary fat choices (lower omega-6 fats like most vegetable oils and more omega-3 fats) is another anti-cancer move.
But you know, variety is the single best way to get a spectrum of the phytochemicals (and zoochemicals) one needs while simultaneously avoiding over-exposure to any one food or toxin.
[quote]bigpump23 wrote:
LL question for you. It seems everyday new research comes out that such and such food or such and such supplement can help prevent cancer. What do YOU think are the most promsing food vitamins or food supplements that may help in preventing cancer? [/quote]
Anything else LL? I’m trying to do some research. What about Green tea?
[quote]Lonnie Lowery wrote:
Good one. This is true of other diseases, too.
To me, cruciferous vegetables that contain phytochemicals called indoles are at he top of the list. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels Sprouts.
Dietary fat choices (lower omega-6 fats like most vegetable oils and more omega-3 fats) is another anti-cancer move.
But you know, variety is the single best way to get a spectrum of the phytochemicals (and zoochemicals) one needs while simultaneously avoiding over-exposure to any one food or toxin.
bigpump23 wrote:
LL question for you. It seems everyday new research comes out that such and such food or such and such supplement can help prevent cancer. What do YOU think are the most promsing food vitamins or food supplements that may help in preventing cancer?
LL, I stumbled upon this study that seems to suggest fructose may be almost as good as glucose at refilling muscle glycogen:
Effect of different post-exercise sugar diets on the rate of muscle glycogen synthesis.
Blom PC, Hostmark AT, Vaage O, Kardel KR, Maehlum S.
Department of Physiology, National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway.
The effect of repeated ingestions of fructose, sucrose, and various amounts of glucose on muscle glycogen synthesis during the first 6 h after exhaustive bicycle exercise was studied. Muscle biopsies for glycogen determination were taken before and after exercise, and every second hour during recovery. Blood samples for plasma glucose and insulin determination were taken before and after exercise, and every hour during recovery. When 0.35 (low glucose: N equals 5), 0.70 (medium glucose: N equals 5), or 1.40 (high glucose: N equals 5) g.kg-1 body weight of glucose were given orally at 0, 2, and 4 h after exercise, the rates of glycogen synthesis were (mean +/- SE) 2.1 +/- 0.5, 5.8 +/- 1.0, and 5.7 +/- 0.9 mmol.kg-1.h-1, respectively. When 0.70 g.kg-1 body weight of sucrose (medium sucrose: N equals 5), or fructose (medium fructose: N equals 7) was ingested accordingly, the rates were 6.2 +/- 0.5 and 3.2 +/- 0.7 mmol.kg-1.h-1. Average plasma glucose level during recovery were similar in low glucose, medium glucose, and high glucose groups (5.76 +/- 0.24, 6.31 +/- 0.64, and 6.52 +/- 0.24 mM), while average plasma insulin levels were higher with higher glucose intake (16 +/- 1, 21 +/- 3, and 38 +/- 4 microU.ml-1).
Firstly, am I reading this correctly? And secondly if I am how is this possible? I thought fructose could only be used to refill liver glycogen.
Thanks a lot as always
Yes, green tea is facinating, and even appears to lower tissue damage in some (non-cancer) studies.
Lycopene (tomatoes) are getting continued attention as potent treatments (not just prevention) for prostate cancer.
Some facinating data also suggest whey protein may aid healthy tissue but not cancerous tissue. This is a big deal in cancer cachexia (wasting). You’ll need to search for it.
I didn’t want to sound like I was copping-out but as you said sooo many nutrients get attention as anticarcinogens. Fruits and vegetables are key, as nutrients work in as yet undescribed combinations (check into the beta carotene vs. lung cancer research that backfired).
Interesting fact: Did you know that most of the thrust of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) research was as an anti-carcinogen?
If you read it carefully, it appears that sucrose (which is the glucose+fructose disaccharide) is what the authors are reporting as similar (or numerically better) than glucose. The fructose number for glycogen synthetic rate is lower. This isn’t surprising, as fructose is absorbed more slowly in the intestine and is low G.I. due to liver and intestinal issues.
This appears to reaffirm my choice of table sugar as a darn good one mid- and post-workout.
But you know, I was just typing elsewhere that different studies suggest different superiority among glucose vs. maltodextrin/ glucose polymers vs. sucrose, etc. They are all good choices.
We’d need to read over the whole manuscript to understand it best.
Thanks LL, yeah it’s frustrating, everyday there’s a new article about how such and such helps. I find myself saying "now all of these can’t be that good. Just wanted your professional opinion, thanks you helped a bunch
[quote]Lonnie Lowery wrote:
Yes, green tea is facinating, and even appears to lower tissue damage in some (non-cancer) studies.
Lycopene (tomatoes) are getting continued attention as potent treatments (not just prevention) for prostate cancer.
Some facinating data also suggest whey protein may aid healthy tissue but not cancerous tissue. This is a big deal in cancer cachexia (wasting). You’ll need to search for it.
I didn’t want to sound like I was copping-out but as you said sooo many nutrients get attention as anticarcinogens. Fruits and vegetables are key, as nutrients work in as yet undescribed combinations (check into the beta carotene vs. lung cancer research that backfired).
Interesting fact: Did you know that most of the thrust of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) research was as an anti-carcinogen?[/quote]
You’re totally welcome. You know, I think the more you dig, the more you’ll see the wisdom of dietary variety - different food choices every week.
Dear Dr. LL,
Do the potential benefits (lowering of cholesterol, lowering of prostate cancer risk) of soy make it a worthy addition to one’s diet ?
I myself have used soy my whole life and I’ve never experienced half the effects the anti-soy crowd hypes up (low T, etc).
I also tend to think diets that study soy in isolation aren’t really “real” world as people eat mixed diets.
Hey Lonnie,
I’ve got a question regarding peri-workout drinks.
First, what is your opinion on drinking a whey protein/sucrose mix over the course of an entire workout with the goal of gaining muscle?
Second, regarding the use of such a drink, the sucrose in the drink would constantly be replenishing glycogen stores and causing insulin spikes, yes? If this is true, would the use of such a drink lower the effectiveness of the post-workout simple carb/protein drink with hopes at spiking insulin and replenishing glycogen, being that they had been spiked and replenished throughout the workout?
I’ve been rotating flax/fish and coconut oils in my velocity/fat fast.
I read that the MCT’s in cocnut oil make it very good for ketogenic dieting?
your opinion?
thanX 4 your time
Hey Lonnie,
I apologize in advance if you’ve already addressed this subject. But what’s your take on colostrum? Is it worth incorporating into a supplement plan?
Hey Lonman,
What’s your opinion on White Tea vs. Green Tea? I’ve read that white tea contains more antioxidants than green tea. Aside from the obvious answer (variety!), would you tend to favor one over the other? Would you expect white tea to possess the same fat burning tendencies as green tea?
There is so much to this question. Suffice it to say that I’m less anti-soy than most of the writers and readers you’ll see here. It’s not a staple in my diet and there are real concerns but the jury is still out considering the “two way street” of estrogenic vs. anti-estrogenic effects… thyroid effects… prostate effects… cardiovascular effects… etc.
I wish I had a definite answer for you but to me the science is still at work on these questions and so I do consume some soy but not often and not in large amounts. It’s basically the moderation approach.
Actually, insulin does not spike during a workout due to sympathetic nervous system effects.
I still think that MCT have merit, as part of total fat intake. They’re uniquely absorbed - more like a carbohydrate - and are metabolized differently than other fats. But caution is necessary as a large dose can cause gastrointestinal distress.
[quote]elroy wrote:
I’ve been rotating flax/fish and coconut oils in my velocity/fat fast.
I read that the MCT’s in cocnut oil make it very good for ketogenic dieting?
your opinion?
thanX 4 your time [/quote]
Hi Chad,
Initially I poo-poo’ed colostrum, as the adult gut is not well suited to it’s uptake like an infant’s. But studies do exist suggesting benefits, IIRC. How it could work in an adult isn’t clear to me (anyone?), though. So, I’m in the “wait and see” mode until more research convinces me.
[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
Hey Lonnie,
I apologize in advance if you’ve already addressed this subject. But what’s your take on colostrum? Is it worth incorporating into a supplement plan?