I have a debate on my hands, I am in sports and looking to gain weight and get some Varsity time. I realized that my coaches kinda frown on the fact that I lift at the expensive gym across the street from the school. I like the gym better.
Its cleaner, nicer and I just like it there. At my school its dirty, the weights seem heavier and its crammed. I dont really like it. But you can gain respect from coaches if they see you in there.
My parents forked over a good chunk of money to let me lift at the Community Center. I train harder at the community center I’ve noticed.
I was thinking about grabbing a small calendar and taking it with to the Community Center and when I lift, have the person thats working there initial it or something? What should I do? Thanks for the help
??? work out at the school gym and find a football player who works hard to train with, or even find some balls to work out hard by yourself there. Save your parents some $. I’m willing to bet that your school gym has a Glute ham raise and the “nicer one where the weights seem easier” doesn’t. wtf
Get whatever you want to do done in the community center and then on other days do some big lifts for the coaches - squats, DL, or bench. Thats what coaches probably want to see you doing anyway.
Well, you’ve gotta play the game if you want to win it. If you want to make varsity, and the coaches want you to lift in their gym, so be it. Their game, their rules. The iniatialing thing probably won’t impress them.
Are you getting major results in your gym? If so, the coaches would probably encourage everyone to go over there. I know being in a crowded gym sucks, but maybe the coaches could teach you a thing or two if you lift in front of them, plus your folks could save some money.
The weights seeming heavier is a strange remark - is there something psyching you out lifting around your teammates? Who cares what you lift, as long as you give it intensity. Maybe your coaches are picking up on some insecurity, and are trying to help you out. I’d lift at the school.
hahaah i totaly agree with the last post , i currently play Varsity football in michigan i am going to be a senior next year… if you want guaranteed playing time work out at the school and spend half the time talking to the coaches and kissing there ass. Thats about what half the kids on my team do.
Or if you work out at the gym across the street you better hope you gain alot of size and strenth over the summer to impress them. One question for you though whats better for you ? i know at my school weight room in the summer its packed with alot of freshman and sophmores ( which is great for the program) but it takes you two hours to get a work out in.
I have had to take the last 3 months off of lifting because of shoulder surgery i had to get because of a football injury. I have decided to go to my local gym where I can get a hardcore work out in in about 45 minutes. and I dont have to follow my coaches lifting routine.
So the thing you have to ask your self is WHAT BENIFITS ME MORE ?
School gyms are actually pretty badass, I remember this past semester, I lifted at the school gym, during gym class for my regular sessions, and it’s pretty cool, to lift with nothing but just iron, while trying not to freeze since it was pretty cold in the weight room. Really surreal.
At my school its dirty, the weights seem heavier and its crammed. I dont really like it. But you can gain respect from coaches if they see you in there.
What’s the problem then???
Motivation wise, you are best off lifting with a group that is stronger than you but within your range. In other words, the other people that lift at your high school gym.
If you’re already stronger than them, than you can dispense this advice, and go looking for stronger people (ie the community center). It has been my experiance though, that the type of people that frequent these places are not the best to be around if you want to get stronger.
Your coach will respect you ten times more if you lift at your school’s gym. Go to the nice one on weekends, holidays, or whenever the school gym is closed. Coaches, especially football coaches, get off on their teams bonding in the off season. They also get off on you doing THEIR program, if you’re not at the school’s gym-your not participating.
This also depends on how good you are at your sport, the better players get more slack. If your clearly good enough to start, then you’ll start regardless. But if it’s close between you and another player whose lifted with the team all offseason, you’re screwed.
But my parents already forked over the money so I would be wasting there money and not using it. I told my coach that one time and he just kinda said “Ok.” I donno why it seems heavier at the school, everyone seems to agree with me though that has lifted at both. Im thinking about just going to the school and lift.
about the equipment, the community has 2 of everything. Whereas at the school, they have 1 of some things. The only thing they have that I wish the Community Center had is the Jammer and the Deadlift platform. The school doesnt have a squat rack. The community Center is better but I guess cry me a river right? I wanna play so I gotta do what I gotta do.
[quote]Tation wrote:
But my parents already forked over the money so I would be wasting there money and not using it. I told my coach that one time and he just kinda said “Ok.” I donno why it seems heavier at the school, everyone seems to agree with me though that has lifted at both. Im thinking about just going to the school and lift.[/quote]
Do you wanna make varsity and maybe piss off your parents(How would they even find out you have not been to the CC gym?)
Not make varsity
[quote]Tation wrote:
I like the gym better. Its cleaner, nicer and I just like it there. [/quote]
Yeah, I don’t like dingy weight rooms, either. How can a person progress in such a place? I like sparkling clean gyms (health clubs are better) with lots of purple on the machines.
[quote]Mister T. wrote:
What’s wrong with going to the CC when you need a squat rack, and the shitty weight room when you don’t?
I have access to two gyms and one other outdoor training area, so I can’t really relate with your having to “choose” a gym to lift at. Choose…both.
EDIT: If anything, the CC’s weights are lighter than stamped; I doubt that the school has “heavier” weights. Just a guess.[/quote]
yeah, go to the school gym when you do a work out designed around squats.
go to the cc for your other work outs.
realize you are on your coaches shit list now.
when he asks you a question, it is rhetorical. it doesn’t mean give him an explanation about why you don’t use his gym, that is like arguing whether you realize it or not.
IF you’re working out with intensity at the nice gym then you should pop into your school’s gym every now and then to show off your strength gains and prove that your time spent over at the better gym is time spent making you more valuable to the team than you would be at the school gym.
[quote]Tation wrote:
I told my coach that one time and he just kinda said “Ok.”
Believe me, there was a helluva lot more said within that simple two letter word than you’d expect.
I’m pretty sure that the coach is very interested in building teamwork, unity and cohesion amongst his players and you’re messing with that.
Even if his plan is not the best laid one, his motive is good and ultimately, he’s probably putting the needs of the team before the needs of the individual.
Unfortunately, the coaches attitude toward the lone wolf will carry over with at least some players and it will be negative situation for all involved.
You’ll need to decide how serious you are about playing and competing in a team environment and adjust your will accordingly.
My opinion is that you should work out with the team and use the community center to satisfy your own needs.
Whatever you decide to do, be an animal in the gym and on the field. That pretty much trumps all.
I actually really prefer to work out at my school gym. There’s no air condition, its dirty, theres chalk, loud metal, a crapload of weight, and plenty of squat racks, benches and platforms. The community center is clean, quiet and not “intimidating”.
Actually the school gym got kind of pussy after we got a new lifting coach. Now we have soft rock on the radio, no chalk, AC, and poorly designed lifting programs. It was okay for students to choose to not do any kind of back or hip work (chins, deads, rows, etc…). now its pretty much enforced by coaches to have an imbalance.
I work out at the community center for the most part, though because I can’t get rides home from the highschool (cant park there myself), and my coach spends more time on lectures about puppies and big tits than he does on having us lift. That and you never have to wait for a squat rack at a pussy gym.