Rugby Training

Hello all,
I have been reading T-Nation pretty much daily for the last 3 years, and I have always found great programs, advice, and opinions. I decided that i would finally post as I would love some feedback on my current training goals.

I have been lifting for about 5 years, but my diet and recovery have only really matured in the last year or so, allowing me to make the gains that I want. My training is multifaceted, I train sil-lum kung fu, monkey style kung fu, multiple other martial arts( the grandmaster I train under mixes and matches). On top of that I play rugby at the collegiate level in North Carolina, and I am a Lock if anyone is curious.

Here are my current stats, I will include everything that I think is pertinant to my questions, let me know if I leave anything out.
age- 22
200lbs (even as of yesterday)
Squat- 345lbs
Bench- 235lbs
Clean and Jerk-175lbs
Snatch- 165 lbs (have never really maxed for either of the olympic lifts.
100meterdash- around the low 11’s
vertical-32inches, (measured on weight plate device in ASU training center)

Goals: weight 220lbs. for the spring rugby season(january) while keeping my 100meter dash under 12 seconds.
Squat- 400
Bench- 275
Olympic lifts- both over 200lbs

My current schedule:
s-Chest, shoulders, 2strong man events
T-rugby, sprint work
W- rugby, Legs, 2 Strongman events
R- rest
F- Olympic lifting
S- Game Day

Here is an exapmle

sunday- Flat bench or incline bench (DB or Barbell) 5x5
DB shoulder press 5x10 pyramid
Atlas stones- 6x3reps
Sled drag/ rope pull-5x 80 meter laps
Monday- rest
tuesday- rugby practice
sprint work-4x200, 800 meters of max output intervals
wednesday-rugby practice
Squat- 5x7 @ 80%
calve press-5x20
tire flipping- 400lb tire for 5 laps of 80 meters
Farmers walk- 5x80 meters
thursday- rest
friday-maybe 3x3 C&J, 3x3 Snatch, but only if saturday is a home game
Saturday- RUGBY DAY!

Keep in mind, this is not always exact, but it gives an idea of oth my training focus and also my energy output. I train hard, I promise you that, if you wan tthe weights I work with I can send those, but it varies by what I am trying to accomplish that day. I am fortunate enough to have access to a serious lifting facility, a university training center and a strongman training facility in my gym basement (yes I am extremely freaking lucky in that!).

I am eating around 4000 calories a day, as clean as I can, but I throw in a lot of peanut butter etc. early in the day to make the calorie requirement. I have follwed this program for the last 2 weeks and have put on about 7 lbs so far, so I know I am eating enough. My lifts are also rising steadily so I feel that everything is going well.

My main question is, does anyone have any advice, based on my stats and routine, as to how I can accelerate the weight gaining process? Should I rest more? Should I split up my programs and do strongman by itself? I have heard it all so now I am turning to the experts.

Keep in mind that as a Forward in Rugby, power train and explosive power is of utmost importance, hence the olympic and strongman training.
Thank you, and let me nkow if there are any questions or if I left out an vital information, it is hard to be thourough enough.

read this

I like how you mix your training up and see no reason why the strongman stuff shouldnt stay.

IN SEASON - your focus shifts to maintenance regarding strength as other physical qualities are called on. You can stimulate your body in other ways and make gains that way - med ball work, plyometrics etc etc, agility etc etc. Your off season now so i guess its up to you to decide what you want to focus on. Natural weight gain isnt always easy and the extra activity from MA will affect it.
Personally id cut the MA down a bit/altogether…


thanks supermick,
I am actually taking a month or two off of the martial arts right now. Been feeling a little zapped and have been told this is normal overstress of the CNS due to the newness of the Strongman training for me. I will probably try to cut volume a little bit and add some plyometric activity. Appreciate the response, very helpful info.

Off-season I would actually recommend, dare I say it on this site, more of a tradtional bodybuilding type weight-training program, to build mass, like a Christian T program. In-season reduce your lifting volume but strive for intensity and quality.

sounds like youve got a good grasp on what you want and how to get it. If your concerned about weight gains, i wouldnt be. 7 lbs in 2 weeks is a good start. I wish that i had strongman training when i played rugby.

One other thing i would mention if you have access to it, is to hit a sled a couple times a week with your fellow lock. Its great practice not only for your drives, but also getting in sync when you lock up together.

What school do you play for down there? Our college made a trip to N.C. in 2003 to play wake forest and furman state for the D2 east coast finals.

I actually do have access to a scrum sled, and I am currently trying to get the other lock into strongman training. He is a grad student in exercise science so he is pretty well informed. And I am at appalachian state university, AHO mens club. In fact, we play wake forest this saturday.

Sumo, how do you recommend not overtraining with traditional bodybuilding on top of practice? 5x5? I want to at least keep my strongman training at least 2 events at least twice a week.

[quote]SetItOnFire wrote:
I actually do have access to a scrum sled, and I am currently trying to get the other lock into strongman training. He is a grad student in exercise science so he is pretty well informed. And I am at appalachian state university, AHO mens club. In fact, we play wake forest this saturday.

Sumo, how do you recommend not overtraining with traditional bodybuilding on top of practice? 5x5? I want to at least keep my strongman training at least 2 events at least twice a week. [/quote]

A lot of strongmen do all their event-type training in one day. Also, you aren’t planning to compete in strongmen, or at least you didn’t say so above. You could probably do it all in one day.

I see you rest on Thursday, and do O. Lifting on Friday, with games on Saturday. If you rested on Friday after lifing on Thurs, you would be fresher for the game.

Your current program definitely isn’t ‘bodybuilding’ it’s clearly a strength program- of course you will get some growth from it if you eat enough- it all comes down to goals really. Actually I think your current program is killer. But you may find it hard to put on the 20 pounds of muscle you so desire.

Once rugby finishes, put other exercise on the back burner, and go for a 4-day split routine or something similar, and I think you will be able to get to 230 or more easily with your height. Then you will be able to use that extra weight- next season.