Hi, I’m new to this forum. Used it quite a bit but this is my first time to post, it is a great site and hello to everyone.
Wondering can anyone help me as I’m confused as to what to do next.
At the moment, I’ve been following Reg Parks routine for roughly 7 months. I’m stalling a bit now as I am trying to cut, but I’m wondering if anyone could suggest a new routine that I could try?
My lifts are (These are for reps, not 1 RM) -
Bench - 175lbs
Squat - 220lbs
Deadlift - 264lbs
I’m sitting at 179lbs @ 5’10. Any suggestions? I am open to trying any new routine although I like compound exercises and I can only train 4 days a week as I have football training on 3 times a week too.
I really like 5/3/1 with more hypertrophy focused assistance work. Or a traditional 4 day bodybuilding split with high volume(this will help with cutting more than a strength based program).
I really like 5/3/1 with more hypertrophy focused assistance work. Or a traditional 4 day bodybuilding split with high volume(this will help with cutting more than a strength based program). [/quote]
Thanks for the reply man. My goal is just to get bigger/stronger. Basically more aesthetic as such. Have you any recommendations on what type of routine to follow for a 5/3/1 or 4 day split?
Here is all the info you need to make a solid 4 day split.[/quote]
Would you say judging by my lifts that I am at a stage where I can move to a 4 day split? Or should I stick with a 3 day full body like I am doing at the moment?
A 4 day split will address weaknesses. A full body routine usually doesn’t hit all muscles (or at least hit them with enough intensity). Definitely the route to go if you are interested in aesthetics; the strength will come with it over time.
[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
A 4 day split will address weaknesses. A full body routine usually doesn’t hit all muscles (or at least hit them with enough intensity). Definitely the route to go if you are interested in aesthetics; the strength will come with it over time.[/quote]
[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
A 4 day split will address weaknesses. A full body routine usually doesn’t hit all muscles (or at least hit them with enough intensity). Definitely the route to go if you are interested in aesthetics; the strength will come with it over time.[/quote]
Irish Dave, you should stick to what you are doing now for more time before trying a typical bodybuilding routine. u need to do more foundation work and getting stronger which will make bodybuilding training more effective when you get to such a routine. 7 months is not enough time to put on appreciable amounts of muscle, put on more mass and get stronger, then u can switch to bodybuilding training. all u have to do is change exercise order and/or rep range to break the plateau.
That thread is a goldmine. Just run with it. [/quote]
How would this routine be in regards to trying? Taken from that thread -
4-Day Max-OT Schedule
Most Max-OT routines I post are of the 5 day variety. The reason I prefer to train 5 days a week is because there are fewer body parts to work each day thus keeping each workout shorter. This, however, doesn’t mean you can’t achieve great results training 3 or 4 times a week.
For those challenged for time at the gym, here’s an effective 4-Day Max-OT schedule to maximize your results.
Also to the guy who said to stick with my current routine, I am lifting for around 1 year not 7 months sorry I didn’t make that clear[/quote]
Yes to anything. You’re overthinking it. It is your level of dedication…not the training program that will get you where you want to be. [/quote]
This. The routine you posted looks good. Stick with that for a few months and track your lifts in a log every workout. I just use a notebook to write the exercise, weight and reps I did that day to make sure I am progressing over time.
Thanks for the help guys. @Ripsaw666 yeah I’ve been noting my workouts since last January or so, its quite useful.
Is it ok to train on a Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday schedule? I can’t train the other days as I have football training and matches. Could the above routine I posted be made into a 3 day workout or would that be too much?
Dude. Just pick a routine. Schedule it around your daily life and go balls to the wall. Get your diet in check for whatever your goal is and you will make progress. Like someone said above, youre overthinking it WAYYYY too much.
[quote]HotShot818 wrote:
Dude. Just pick a routine. Schedule it around your daily life and go balls to the wall. Get your diet in check for whatever your goal is and you will make progress. Like someone said above, youre overthinking it WAYYYY too much.[/quote]
I understand but I am just wondering if it is ok for me to go on to a 4 day routine, as I’ve read/been told elsewhere that I’m not experienced enough to try a 4 day split…
[quote]HotShot818 wrote:
Dude. Just pick a routine. Schedule it around your daily life and go balls to the wall. Get your diet in check for whatever your goal is and you will make progress. Like someone said above, youre overthinking it WAYYYY too much.[/quote]
I understand but I am just wondering if it is ok for me to go on to a 4 day routine, as I’ve read/been told elsewhere that I’m not experienced enough to try a 4 day split…
“Experience” is all relative. If you want to look aesthetic, stick with a 4 day split. Run with that for a few months and you WILL see progress.