Hey first post but hopefully this will help. I studied BJJ for a while and found that developing explosive hip and back strength were major pluses. I found that squatting(many variations), deadlifting, good mornings, romanian and stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbell rows, barbell rows, Power cleans and heavy bag cleans (heavy duty plastic bag full of sand or rocks then put into a heavy burlap bag) drastically improved my game. I hardly ever performed over 3 reps after warming up. My goal was nothing but developing limit strength.
I performed heavy benching also to round out my effort and maintain balance. Concentrating on grip strength will also pay big dividends.
Because of the stress from training for BJJ and Muay Thai my training regimen was pretty flexible but I tried to train limit strength 3 times a week and would pick 2 or 3 exercises that went together and perform 5 to 8 sets of 3 or less of each. I kept really good notes on my lifts and always attempted to improve. If I was feeling strong and did not fail on 3 reps at the end I would push to failure. If going up meant only 1 or 2 reps that day then fine. I just found that training till failure for me had to be limited to the last 1 or 2 sets of each exercise or I would start feeling really beat up in a week or two.
Some of the combinations I like were Power Cleans followed by Dumbell Rows, Squats followed by Romanian or Stiff-legged Deadlifts, and Benching followed by Handstand Pushups on Rings with added weight (rep range on these was generally 6 to 10). I know handstand pushups is not a powerlifting exercise but for some reason I love them.
A missed shot is not as bad when you can step in and lift them anyway. Having the rowing power to pull them in and the leg, back and hip strength to lift them was great. I also found the hip strength and back strength helped my guard game. When you concentrate on technique the extra strength is a true bonus.
On days I was unable to attend class (vacation, kids sports, etc) and was not banged up I would perform a bodyweight circuit. I would jump rope for around 250 reps, do 10 pull ups, 25 hindu (divebomber) pushups, 25 bodyweight squats, 25 V-ups, and 15 dips. I would decide on how much time I had and perform as many rounds of this as I could within that time only stopping to keep from puking or catch my breath because I was light-headed.
Sometimes I would follow this up with heavy bag cleans (try to work up so bag is at or above your competition weight) to simulate making that last major effort under fatigue to win a match when you feel like you have nothing left. I would do singles till I could not do anymore by cleaning the bag then dropping over and over again. Then rest about 1 minute and do it again.
Finally I know you are probably trying to stay in a certain weight class to compete. Nutrition is very important here. I was able to find a balance where if I wanted to add some weight I raised my protein intake and would add some mass slowly. When I wanted to limit mass gains I cut back on the protein. I am 5’5" and weigh in at 190 most of the time and eat around 150g to 180g for maintenance.
Upping that to 200g to 210g seems to add mass for me pretty slowly. I know some here will freak out over this but this worked really well for me. I can make slow strength gains on both. Limiting carbs always just killed my training but I try to limit my carbs to fresh fruits and veggies and low GI grains.
I make weight the way I learned back when I wrestled in High School. Limit fluid intake a day or so before a meet (most my meets seem to weigh in the morning of the meet) and hit a sauna the night before to get close to being dialed in. I generally lose 2 to 4 lbs at night and with morning wakeup nature call. You should test run this for yourself. This usually puts me where I need to be. I then get some Gatorade (24 to 32 ounce) and let it get room temp and drink it all right after I step off scales.
I then continue to sip water and gatorade (choose you own drink here if you like, needs to be easy on stomach though) until I am called. I usually cant stomach solids before a match. This allows me to compete in the 179 limit easily and by the time I hit the mat I am usually around 185 or so. This works for me and I dont feel fatigued or weak.