Rotator Rehab

i was throwing shotput and on my first throw, my right arm (the one im not throwing with) made a really bad ripping and popping sound when i brought it around to throw. I did a few tests and it was definitely the roator. Today it is still pretty sore. Ive been stretching icing and am wondering what a good rehab plan would be for it. I dont think it was a tear as the pain is about a 3-4/10. thanks in advance

If you’re looking for comprehensive…

how soon post injury should i start this and if theres pain should i continue with it or stop the exercises?

start immediately, do it every day, especially on days you do any throwing.

that being said, go light for a while.

hopefully you didnt fuck your shoulder up bad, make sure your throwing form is good. If your release came off bad, that’s most likely why.

Quick warmup:

what do you mean by "the rotator? the rotator cuff has different muscles with different functions, what specifically can’t you do? did you lose any ROM? or do you now just have pain in some ranges of motion?

[quote]challer1 wrote:
what do you mean by "the rotator? the rotator cuff has different muscles with different functions, what specifically can’t you do? did you lose any ROM? or do you now just have pain in some ranges of motion?[/quote]

i have no idea as i didnt get it checked out, i didnt lose ROM theres just a general numb pain and a sharper but not to intense pain when i make a cirlce with my arm