Romanian Deadlifts or Just Deadlifts?

I don’t know about you guys but I personally prefer romanian deadlifts… I’m not sure which is the best exercise but for me personally rd’s.

What do you guys prefer?

I prefer both with convo/sumo deadlifts as a main lift and RDLs for assistance work. Conventional and sumo deadlifts put max weights in my hands while the RDLs put a greater emphasis on my hamstrings.

Deadlifts are the superior exercise and are second only to the squat for building overall mass. However, I was all quad till I started doing RDLs. A year after I started doing them I think my leg circumfrence grew something like two or three inches!

But I’d say if your hams grow fine from curls and traditional deadlifts, there’s really no need for RDLs.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
I prefer both with convo/sumo deadlifts as a main lift and RDLs for assistance work. Conventional and sumo deadlifts put max weights in my hands while the RDLs put a greater emphasis on my hamstrings.[/quote]


Ok, pardon my ignorance.

Are Romanian DLs and Stiff-legged DLs the same thing? From the videos I’ve seen, looks like that is the case.

Also, when I do Sumo DLs, the bar ALWAYS hits my shins and it pisses me off, to the point where I question my form. It’s actually distracting me during the lift. Is this normal?

I want to really punish my hams from now on. Single-legged DLs are doing that more for me than rack pulls (pins at the lowest setting, since I lack the ROM for pulling straight off the floor).


There is more emphasis on getting the bar low with SLDL’s.

With Romanians, the emphasis is on getting the hams to a stretched position without the bar getting very low. The bar may well be not much under the knee, yet with the hams feeling very stretched at the bottom.

I prefer RDLs. I feel them in my hamstrings and glutes more. I switch back and forth between RDLs and sumo deadlifts, but even with sumos, I tend to feel them in my lower back more than in my legs.

I personally do them both. Deadlifts on back day and RDL’s on leg day.

RDLs it is.

I will go Rodney King on my hams next DL’ing session.

SLD are usually done from an elevated platform and that’s pretty much the only difference.

RDLs are more of a targeted exercise while standard bent knee DL are an overall mass builder.

[quote]esk221 wrote:
Deadlifts are the superior exercise and are second only to the squat for building overall mass.[/quote]

I think that can really go either way.

Dont mean to get into a DL vs squat debate. lol

[quote]PonceDeLeon wrote:
Also, when I do Sumo DLs, the bar ALWAYS hits my shins and it pisses me off, to the point where I question my form. It’s actually distracting me during the lift. Is this normal?

The bar coming into contact with the shins seems to be common. Form could be an issue, though.

[quote]PonceDeLeon wrote:
Also, when I do Sumo DLs, the bar ALWAYS hits my shins and it pisses me off, to the point where I question my form. It’s actually distracting me during the lift. Is this normal?

Your upper back may be rounding and/or shoulder blades are sliding forward. Tighten your lats and traps and straighten your upper back like preparing for a heavy bench when you set up. Your back may still round some and result in some shin scraping when the weights get heavy, but the damage won’t be as bad.

Personally i’d say that it all depends on your overall goals, Deadlifts alone are second only to squats for throwing on muscle all over the body but fore explosive power the RDL’s are the exercise for you, i say explosive power because as a sprinter i do alot of RDL to compensate the quads.

Deadlifts are superior (IMO).

A SLDL is a romainian deadlift off the floor. At least thats the big difference stated in Starting Strength.

I started off doing the SLDL but have switched to conventional because I think its more important.

[quote]elano wrote:
Deadlifts are superior (IMO).

A SLDL is a romainian deadlift off the floor. At least thats the big difference stated in Starting Strength.

I started off doing the SLDL but have switched to conventional because I think its more important.[/quote]


a deadlift wether sumo or conventional stance is a compound movement requiring your whole body to complete.

still leg deads are done with locked out legs and a flat back. They target the hamstrings and your glutes.

romanian deads are done with bent legs and a slightly rounded back. They target your lower back and upper ass.

[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:

Except, confusingly, Romanian deadlifts, which start from the top and are limited by hamstring flexibility.


romanian deads are done with bent legs and a slightly rounded back. They target your lower back and upper ass. [/quote]

No. They target the hamstrings. Rounded backs are bad.

[quote]josh86 wrote:
I personally do them both. Deadlifts on back day and RDL’s on leg day.[/quote]

Similar. Usually on back day I’ll do rack deads as a thickness exercise. RDLs I will do on lower body day (actually DC training day 2). The next lower body day I will use leg curls for hams to give my low back a break.