Hello all,
I’ve been lurking these forums since I was maybe a junior in high school (07) and finally decided to get a forum account last year with the goal of creating a training log. Unfortunately that never happened and I feel as I recommit myself to lifting, a training log would help.
A little background about myself:
I’m 19 years old entering my junior year of college. I started lifting freshman year in high school with a height of 4’11 and a bw. of 98 lbs. I started wrestling my sophomore year but never got serious into lifting until junior year when I hit a pr at that time of 225x1 on bench. I would say my hardest lifting came during freshman and the summer right before sophomore year of college. That summer I finished up another cycle of Sheiko and had a max bench of 305, deadlift of 475 and 335 squat. Unfortunately, sophomore year came around and I started to party and drink which made my numbers go to shit. I’ve recently re-evaluated myself, my body, and my goals and really want to get back into lifting and hopefully compete in a powerlifting meet around next fall semester. I’m posting this log to follow my progress through my completion of the 5/3/1 cycle.
As of right now, my 1rms. on the main lifts are 280 bench, 435 deadlift and a 315 squat with a current body weight of 140 lbs. and a height of 5’7". My goals are to re-break 300 on bench, hit 545 on deadlift and just get my squat higher as it’s my most lagging lift.
As for my diet, I eat about 2-3 times a day, I know I’m going to have to increase my food intake and I have started to eat 5 meals a day. The way I see it, and I might get flamed for this, I’ll try to eat as much as I can within a day no matter what it is just to get the meals in. As for supplementation I am currently taking creatine monohydrate (just finished loading), muscle milk collegiate, bcaa’s, glutamine, fish oil, and a good multivitamin. I’ve used all of these in my past years of lifting but fell sucker for those expensive gaspari, bsn, etc. products during high school.
As my log progresses I plan to upload videos of my main lifts during training once I get a hold of a camera