Rebuilding Bigger and Better

Hey guys,

I’ve been on this site for almost 6 years now. Made a new account and plan on posting under this one from here on out due to reasons I’d rather not disclose. I doubt many of you would know me anyway, most of my posts were from 3+ years ago and mostly in beginners/supplements.

First: Why did I make this log?
Because I like the people on this community, and I want to be more involved. Additionally, I’ve had some big injuries and setbacks, especially for a 21 year old. I believe I’m past those and want to show myself and others that if you want something bad enough you keep pushing through all the BS and you’ll get to your goal eventually. I rarely have much to add in the training forum, but I lurk there a lot and read and think about what people say and if it makes sense to me. I’m on the site enough where I can spend 5 minutes logging my workouts and hopefully get feedback from people.

Current stats:
21 y/o
6 ft 3
203 lbs
Likely upper teens bf%, but doesn’t really matter. Bottom line is: I’m small, lanky, and weak.
15 inch arms
39.5 inch around widest part of stomach (when dieted down to 172 lbs and ridiculously skinny, this only got down to 34.5 inches. So naturally bigger there)


  1. Look like a BAMF
  2. Be strong (315 bench, 405 front squat, and 500 sumo deadlift)
    *Deadlift and front squat goals only stand if it turns out my hip can handle those lifts long term. I’m only 21, but after the major surgeries I’ve had health and longevity is important. I’m not invincible appearently.
  3. Have 18 inch arms at a bodyfat % under 15. Being 6 ft 3, I figure I’m not gonna look decent unless my arms are pretty big.

Current best lifts (lbs):
Bench: 5x5 175
Front Squat: 215x6 (just started doing these)
Leg Press: 600x15
Sumo Deadlift: no idea, literally just started adding these in today. did 5x5 225 really easy today, but need to start wearing sweatpants and get chalk for the future. Never did these pre-injuries, but don’t have much choice now.

I’m doing 5 days a week, upper/lower/upper/lower/upper M-F. Sometimes if I have a test that day I’ll sleep in and make up the workout on the weekend. I’m trying something different for me. Pretty much all straight sets, avoiding failure. One lower day is deadlift based, one is front squat. All three upper days have different lifts.

I have a 6 ft 9 wingspan and long legs. Benching has ALWAYS sucked because of my long arms/forearms. In high school (before some big time injuries/surgeries) I squatted 335, deadlifted 380, and only benched 215.

Started lifting at 16, did Starting Strength. Got squat up to 3x5 250 lbs, bench up to 3x5 170, and deadlift to 1x5 315. Did Madcow 5x5 afterward, then 5/3/1. In May of my senior year (17 years old) I hit a 335 squat, 380 deadlift, and 215 bench.

2 weeks later, I tore the cartilage in my wrist pretty bad. Had to take a lot of time up to see if it would heal, got put into a full arm cast for a month (sucked) in December. Didn’t work, had to get surgery in the following June. Couldn’t lift upper body at all during this time, and for about 5 months post op. A year after that, had FAI surgery in hip. Two big surgeries, prevented me from really lifting for almost 3 years.

I’m back now, slightly limited in what lifts I can do (no conventional deadlifts or back squats) but I’m smarter now from all of that. Plus, I’m ****ing pissed about losing all that time and all my muscle. So that’s a great motivator.

Really hoping to get some of you guys to chime in, even if it’s just to say you’re following. Once I get my workouts posted in the next week or so, I’d love any input from you guys about if anything looks dumb or if you have suggestions. Most of what I do is decently thought out in my head and has a logical (well, to me anyway) reason for why I’m doing what I’m doing. But I’ve made mistakes before, so always open to suggestions.

That was too long, lets get this log up and running.

All weights in this log will be in pounds (lbs).
I do thoracic extensions on a foam roller, rope face pulls, and scap push ups every upper body day before lifting. Just thoracic extensions on lower body days.

3/1/2014 Lower body - make up day (missed both Tuesday and Thursday last week)

Was sick all last week, only made it to the gym twice. So today (Saturday) I did a lower body make up day. Wanted to try deadlifting for the first time in almost 4 years due to injuries, so kept it really easy outside of that. I want to see how my hip responds to sumo deadlifts.

Sumo Deadlifts
5x5 225
felt really easy, my lower back was getting sore though. Probably because since i haven’t been able to squat/deadlift forever, it doesn’t get worked. Also, apparently sumo deadlifting scrapes my shins bad cause the knurling. Need to start wearing sweatpants and long socks.

Leg Press
pretty easy, had a couple more reps in me but again didn’t want to kill myself with the deadlifts being tried out. Just hit my “goal” reps for the lift, will likely bump it up to 600 on Tuesday.

Stand calf machine
11 (weight stack just has numbers on it. I think it goes 1-15)

Seated calf machine
Right foot started cramping up, not sure why.

Leg raises

Good workout, looking forward to tomorrow to see if my hip aches. If not, I’ll really start bumping up my deadlift. Legs are definitely strong enough to add another 80-100 pounds, though I don’t know that my lower back is ready for that yet. Not sure if I’ll keep it 5x5 or if I’ll switch it to ramp up to one top set like I do for leg press and sometimes front squats.

Will be taking Sunday off like usual, then back at my M-F routine.

Good luck. I know what it’s like trying to lift when you’re always hurt. I’m “rebuilding” as well.

[quote]Josgood wrote:
Good luck. I know what it’s like trying to lift when you’re always hurt. I’m “rebuilding” as well.[/quote]

Thanks man. It’s never fun dealing with constant injuries. Just have to keep pushing through and look into lifting “smarter” in terms of intensity and exercise choice. Good luck.

Super stressful week, have two reports due Wednesday, test Wednesday and Thursday, quiz Wednesday and lab procedures to write up, work meeting tomorrow night, and a research report I’m working on. Might not get more then a few hours of sleep the next couple nights. We’ll see.

3/3/14 Monday - Upper. Total lifting time = 1:25
DB Bench

Machine Flies

Chin ups

  • I can’t seem to get good at these, or even be consistent from week to week. Hit 5x6 two weeks ago, getting steadily worse. No idea how to make these progress

BB Row

DB Laterals

I raise/DB Rear Delt Fly superset

Pinwheel Curls

Rope Pushdown

Progressing from the last few weeks. Last time I rep maxed out on DB bench about 2.5 months ago I only got one shaky set of 11 at 75’s.
Still need to figure out what’s up with my chin ups. Can’t get any progression on those over the last 2 months.

No lifting today. Went to bed around 1:30 last night and was planning on waking up at 6:30 to lift since i always lift around then before class. However, after waking up I decided getting another 2 more hours of sleep would be a lot better for me since I have so much stress from my tests within the next 2 days.

Will hopefully be able to fit in a make up day Saturday before work, but we’ll see. Kind of bummed, I wanted to deadlift again but school comes first.

No lifting today, up late last night studying for today’s Organic Chemistry test. Good news is, I believe I did pretty good on it. Bad news is, I have an accounting test tomorrow and haven’t even begun to study for it because I was so focused on today’s test.

Likely won’t make it tomorrow to do leg day because I have an early class and I don’t think waking up at 5:30 and only getting 5 hours of sleep is a great combo for test taking.

On another note, I may start incorporating some paused bench pressing. This is because of my long arms and I ALWAYS struggle at the mid to bottom portion of the bench. If I can get it past their, I can always lock out. I don’t know any real way to fix that other then maybe paused benching.

3/6/14 Thursday - Lower body day (Front squat). Time lifting: 1 hour

Front Squat
225x4 (PR)

DB Lunges


45 degree Calf machine

Decline Sit ups
10 lbs overhead

Pretty good day, walked into the gym with goal of 3x6 at 195 for front squats and just said screw it, I want to try 2 plates. And I got 4 reps, probably could’ve squeaked out a 5th but I was happy there. Right hip (hip that had surgery almost 2 years ago) hurt later in the day though. I have to watch this over the next few weeks to see if that continues or not. If so, may have to stop front squats.

3/7/14 Friday - Upper body. Lift time: 1:25

Bench Press

Wide Lat Pulldowns

Machine Laterals
2x10, 1x7, 1x6

I-raise/Rear delt fly superset
4x12 10
4x10 45

BB Shrugs
1x10 no straps
3x15 straps

EZ Curls

V handle pushdowns

Average day. Hit my goal of 6x4 for bench and even got another rep at the last set. Should be all set to hit 5x5 next week. Right hip hurts today, means I’ll have to see if I can tweak my front squat form next week or two or else they have to go. Which would suck.

3/10/14 Upper Body Day. Lifting Time: 1:15

DB Bench

Paused BB Bench (First time ever)

Chin ups

BB Rows

DB Laterals

I Raise/Rear Delt Fly superset
3x12 10
3x11 45

Pinwheel curls

Rope Pushdowns

Woke up 30 minutes late, so no face pulls, scap push ups, or thoracic extensions. Trying out the paused bench as assistance because my bench sucks and I’ve always had trouble at the bottom portion. Figure if my wrist can handle it, this would be a good way to develop some strength at the bottom.

No idea how I got 5x6 this week on chins. That lift just goes up and down.

3/11/14 Lower Body Day (Deadlift) Lift time: 1 hour. Cardio: 10 minutes

Sumo Deadlift

Leg Press
600x16 (PR)

Leg Ext
3x12 180

Stand Calf
3x15, 1x14

Seated Calf
1x12, 1x11, 1x12
120, 110, 90

Leg Raises

10 minutes
10 resist

Good session during it. About 2 hours after my hip was hurting though. I’ll have to see if this is a continuing thing. If it is, no more deadlifts. Which would suck, I like deadlifts. Even if my shins don’t.

Sucks about the hip. My si joint gives me tons of grief if I don’t stretch the fuck out of my calves and hamstrings. Even then it’s sometimes a problem. Do you do any prehab/mobility stuff for your hip?

[quote]Josgood wrote:
Sucks about the hip. My si joint gives me tons of grief if I don’t stretch the fuck out of my calves and hamstrings. Even then it’s sometimes a problem. Do you do any prehab/mobility stuff for your hip?

I don’t honestly know what to do for prehab/mobility for hip. I have a little internal rotation on my left hip, but not much. On my right hip (surgery hip), I have damn near zero. I’ve tried to do an internal rotation stretch but never feel anything in it, only thing I get is a painful feeling in my knee. I think if I could get internal rotation comfortably a lot of my hip pain would lessen.

I’m open to suggestions if you have any for mobility and such. I think it would be good for it, but I don’t know much about it. Odd thing is, my hip never hurts during the lift. Only later in the day/next day. Like the past couple days, it just ached. Not painful really, just uncomfortable as heck.

When I was 16 and starting out lifting, I would have never thought I would develop the health problems I did by now. Especially by age 21.

3/14/14 Upper Lift Day: Bench. Lift time: 1:30 (Leg pressed today also)


Wide Lat Pulldowns
2x12, 1x7

Machine Laterals
2x10, 1x8, 1x6

I raise/Rear Delt fly superset

BB Shrug
1x10 No straps
3x15 Straps

EZ Curl
2x12, 1x9, 1x8

V Handle Pushdown

Leg Press
630x16 (PR)

Pretty happy here. Got 5x5 for Bench, so next week I will bump up the weight 5 lbs and drop to 7x3. Didn’t lift Wednesday or Thursday (Upper and Lower days), and I don’t have time this Saturday to hit the gym due to work so I snuck in some leg press’s at the end. Didn’t want to load up little plates so I just stuck on 7 plates each side and tried for 15. Pretty cool. Even though I don’t know that I can squat, at least my legs are still strong as hell. They’ve always been “easy” for me to grow, likely because I started out hitting legs 3x a week and its a muscle group that I feel is really, really ease to “push” through the last reps and push for more reps. Compared to bench pressing, where I can’t push for an extra rep to save my life.

Not exactly impressing anybody with my physique or strengths, but I’m up 13 pounds from the start of September and my lifts are moving up so that’s progress.

You may want to google mobility wod. Dude really knows his stuff. Also Pavel has a couple books on flexibility that I got a lot out of. Keep up the good work.

[quote]Josgood wrote:
You may want to google mobility wod. Dude really knows his stuff. Also Pavel has a couple books on flexibility that I got a lot out of. Keep up the good work.[/quote]

Will do. In the past I googled mobility wod for hip internal rotation and couldn’t get any of his stuff to work for me. Either couldn’t feel it, or couldn’t replicate his movement due to lack of equipment or something.

I second the mobilitywod thingy. Works wonders along with goblet squat with lateral shifts in the bottom position (if your hip would tolerate it).

In…for the hips…

  1. get lax ball
  2. sit on butt
  3. place right leg on left knee
  4. roll lax ball on right glute until it doesnt hurt
  5. switch sides
    I can not squat unless I do this, I’m sure if I did it everyday my hip tightness would go away completely.
    EDIT: Holy shit 6’9" wingspan??? Why can’t you pull conventional? You would be a monster.

[quote]Ass Banana wrote:
I second the mobilitywod thingy. Works wonders along with goblet squat with lateral shifts in the bottom position (if your hip would tolerate it).[/quote]

Cool, thanks for the feedback. I’ll look into the mobility wod Monday then. And the goblet squats, though I’m not optimistic there. Worth a shot though.

I appreciate it

[quote]chobbs wrote:
In…for the hips…

  1. get lax ball
  2. sit on butt
  3. place right leg on left knee
  4. roll lax ball on right glute until it doesnt hurt
  5. switch sides
    I can not squat unless I do this, I’m sure if I did it everyday my hip tightness would go away completely.
    EDIT: Holy shit 6’9" wingspan??? Why can’t you pull conventional? You would be a monster.[/quote]
    I’ve done that lax ball thing for the first time last week. Holy shit, it hurt. I’ll start making it a more regular thing though.

Lol yeah a 6’9 wingspan. MAYBE 6’8, it depends on who measures and everything. But yeah, I got long arms. Made dunking possible, makes benching ridiculous. Conventional deads used to be my favorite lift starting out, I pulled 375 for a double within the first year of training, which isn’t anything impressive but at a bw of 185 I was pretty happy with that for a start. Always made my low back sore pretty bad though, likely due to having some pretty long legs compared to my torso. Can’t do conventional anymore though, the angle it puts my hip in is exactly what causes issues with my cartilage missing. Pinching that joint like in squats and deads doesn’t really hurt during, but for the next couple days it’s some sharp pain.