Hey all,
Figured I would start a log on here instead of just creeping in the shadows.
My lifting history:
Worked out consistently in high school reaching PR’s of BP: 285lbs, SQ: 405lbs and DL: 465lbs @ 185lb body weight.
In university I worked out and maintained most of my upper body strength (beach muscles) and hit a max of 300lbs on the bench press at closer to 195lbs.
Currently sitting at 5’8", 202lbs ~15.1% bodyfat (according to calipers yesterday), with PR’s of 315lb bench, 405lb squat and a 505lb deadlift. I haven’t 1RM tested my OHP in a bit, but last max used for my 5/3/1 cycle was 205lbs.
I’m a bit of a program hopper, both in nutrition and in training. Usually stay on a plan for 4-8 weeks depending if it is keeping me motivated. I’ve done a few of Jim Stoppani’s plans, I ran a cycle of 5/3/1 BBB, I did 6 weeks of CT’s Layer System and have seen some great progress in both strength and size.
Just looking to continue to add mass and strength. I just started Wendler’s 5/3/1 for Size, Building the Monolith so I figured I would start tracking that here.
Nutrition, I’ve tried Paleo, Keto, carb cycling, IIFYM, etc. My body doesn’t seem to have a huge preference, as long as I’m keeping it clean and my calorie surplus/deficit is meeting my current objective.
Reach 200lbs @ ~10%bf with max lifts of 325lb bench, 435lb squat and 540lb deadlift for a 1300lb total. Timeline? I’d like to accomplish this by March 22, 2016 (my 26th birthday - approx 7 months)
I work out at home all by my lonesome. I have a power rack, bench press, universal cable machine and a few misc dumbbells. Just enough to get 'er done.
Comments, tips, and constructive criticism are all appreciated