Hey all, figured a log would make me consistent, and maybe you all had some insight you could give to me. Some background about myself, I’m 20 years old, 5’10, 195lbs, been in the Army for the past 2.5 years and been lifting for the past 3. Have been overseas for the majority of the past 2 years so my schedule has been pretty hectic, but will be returning to the states soon. Most recent 1RM’s in pounds are as follows:
Squat: 390
As you can see, my Squat and Deadlift have been severely lacking, I think this is due to the fact I hurt my back about 6 months ago and had to scale back on my lower body lifts, but it’s been feeling fine lately so I’m working my way up. My diet will mainly consist of military Dining Facility food(it’s shit to be honest, but it’s automatically deducted from my pay so it is what it is) Any constructive criticism is vastly appreciated