I actually know people that like to eat them and the greens.
I plan on spreading most of these down by the creek so maybe the deer will stay out of my garden. I doubt it’s gonna work but… it’s worth a shot!
Definitely was having some kind of “spell” this weekend. May have been allergies, may have done too much, may have been exposure to some unknown chemical, may have picked up a bug taking mom to the clinic. Who knows.
Helped pack some gates out of a 91 year old barn that got blown down in the storm. No telling what kind of antique chemicals were in there.
Wrestled the tiller cleaning out the gas tank.
Helped clean out an outside breaker box that was full of dirt dauber nests. Hot water was not working but still had power after shutting the breaker off
Found another tripped breaker for the stove in the process and when I reset it… poof! It smoked it! I told him he needed an electrician. This box is OLD. Nicely done but, I have never seen breakers that big. Huge wire. Can’t imagine how much that would cost nowadays.
Any old way… tried out my new bands this morning but that’s about it. Best bands I have bought in a while. Nice and stretchy! $9.99/ set of 4 on amazon.
Lat pulls
Good girl/ bad girls
A few box squats with the bar.
I broke it up. I planted the onions a couple weeks ago.
I raked and tilled the last 4-5 rows this morning and planted.
I just cut the potatoes and plant them. Some of my friends go through a process of cutting and covering them with sulfur blah, blah, blah.
I’m trying to make it smaller but I doubt that will happen. I have plenty of time to get the rest tilled up before it gets warm enough to plant other stuff.
Ended up with two rows of onions, two potatoes, one turnips. I have the swiss chard and bunching onions planted in another spot. I will plant radishes, beets, and carrots tomorrow.
Hmmm… (Wheels in my brain are turning.) I have a largely unused half acre back yard, and planting potatoes and onions wouldn’t be terribly difficult. Our soil is terrible though, and I’d have to hand water every day. There used to be a dairy 10 minutes away from which people could get manure, but it closed down years ago. Are you able to depend mostly on rain for your gardens?
We have been in a drought so long who knows. Rain certainly helps! I will water some if there is hope but, there have been years I quit watering and let it go so we would hve drinking water. The ground is wet right now and I am hopeful