I’m far from strong but I ask this on the PL forum because I figure you guys have the most experience pushing your bodies.
I had a really good bench day yesterday, worked up to 195X3, and then did some top-half bench with boards on my chest. The next day one of my ribs was very tender to the touch and hurt if I inhaled deeply into my chest.
My question is: Can you dislocate or hurt ribs by pressing? Please believe me when I say that I know it was not from impact. I brought the bar to my chest in a controlled PL style. This has happened before, probably 4-5 times, always after bench workouts.
Thank you for your time, and for any insight you may provide.
Could be a simple little ab strain or something like that. Also, some days after a good chest dowrkout my chest and torso are sotight that it is hard to breathe deep until i really get stretched out
Thank you all for replying. STB, it’s in my right rib, 2nd from the bottom, and it hurts right where it meets my sternum. I will certainly concentrate on breathing when I bench for now.
I really hope it’s not this… But if you are doing a bounce press you could be bruising yourself with the bar… Lol I hope that happens to everyone that bounce presses so I don’t have to watch them in the gym