I originally bought this incase my gear didn’t come in. Good thing, because it never showed up.
Anyway, I decided to try 1-AD because i heard good things about the old one, so I wanted to try the new one. For economy sake and personal reasons I did only a 2 week cycle of 5 caps/day the entire time.
Starting weight: ~203 @ 5’11. My diet consisted of a lot of meat, 5 meals a day, and probably close to 340 grams protien/day and 4500-5000 cal/day. My training was similar to a WSB template, except with an extra day dedicated to upper back and abs.
The result: I gained about 25Lb+ on my squat and DL, and hit a 10Lb pr on BP. I felt like I continued getting stronger for a week after I stopped, but I don’t know for sure since I began sheiko training after I hit the listed PRs. My ending bodyweight was 216, with a good chunk being water I’m sure. I didn’t get much fatter.
Three weeks later: I have kept all my strength and then some, although my weight leveled out at 210.
Sides: Nothing serious, I did noticed I didn’t have as much energy (lethargy) which is a pretty common side with andro from my understanding. Also, by the end of the cycle my cum shots were much smaller, which makes me think I was mildly suppressed. After a week off of 1-AD and no PCT, everything was back to normal.
Notes: I liked this, and might do it again. This was my first experimentation with an AAS so keep that in mind. I am going to try another run with 3 or 4 caps/day and see if I can avoid some of the lethargy and keep suppression a bit lower. I can see why people love AAS so much.
I will answer any and all questions and then post this and my answers in the sticky.