Results and thoughts - Put this at the end of the original thread as well.
I have some time to kill before the gym this AM, and I was going over my logs. I actually have been doing the stuff I posted on this thread, with some modifications, and I am very pleased with the results.
Part of the reason for the original post was that I had just gotten back to training seriously after a very long layoff where I really let myself get tragically out of shape. The post was a way of reminding myself of why I had to do this, as well as focusing my thoughts on how I would. About 2 weeks into my “comeback” I put it up for comment.
Here’s an update - there have been some changes, mostly positive:
My workouts take longer for a given number of sets. I need a more extensive warmup than I used to. In my 30s I could just walk into the gym and grab a bar. That is out of the question now, both due to old injuries, and to the fact that I seem a little stiffer upon rising (I work out first thing in the AM).”
No longer true. I do either a brief yoga routine, or some stuff from the UB warm-up DVD and grab the bar. I am no longer stiff at all in the AM.
“I also take longer rests between sets when I am lifting heavy. I am in the gym longer.”
No longer true. W/outs are 45 min lifting, 20 min on Stairmaster right after. Rest periods are never longer than 60s, even when I am doing 5x5. Sometimes I skip them between sets of a superset.
Aside from my warmups before lifting, I think the best time to do it is in the evening, after dinner.”
Once I started on the Stairmaster (the real one, not the pedal type crap) I never looked back. Cardio is right after the weights.
“Drugs / Alcohol:
Please. You’re 50. Don’t be a dumb fuck.”
This is kind of funny. I now smoke a little weed to help me sleep on bad nights, and once in a while for fun. I guess this makes me a dumb fuck.
I am definitely more sensitive to carb intake than I was in my 30s.”
Still true. I can swing my weight drastically with a couple of pasta dinners and a dessert.
I shoot for at least 1 gm per lb / bw. I make extensive use of shakes to make sure I get enough.”
Couldn’t do it without the shakes. Still don’t always get it in.
“Total calorie intake:
10 kcal / lb BW seems to maintain my weight, unless I am doing a lot of energy work.”
I no longer count calories. It is at the point where I can just track protein and carbs loosely throughout the day in my head.
I am within striking distance of my goal: 6 pack @ 190lbs. Although it looks like bw will have to be closer to 180.
I am 5’11" with a fairly wide hip girdle. Think Clint Eastwood for body type. Even fat I looked solid, and carry fat all over the body.
All measurements taken with a Myotape in the Am. Muscles are cold, but flexed.
In each case, the first figure is 14 july 06, and the second is this AM:
Weight: 236 / 197.5
Chest: 46 / 42.5
Waist 46 1/8 / 38 1/2
L quad 27 / 24
R quad 27 / 24
L calf 17 /16
R calf 17 1/2 / 16 1/2
L bicep 15 1/2 / 15 1/2
R bicep 15 3/4 / 15 1/4
Neck 16 1/2 / 16
What a drastic swing in appearance. I literally look like a different person.
The huge swing in waist size was not a surprise. The chest was. I guess this shows how delusional we can be. I was proud of my “Big Chest”, which was actually man boobs lol. Oh well.
Gratified that as the fat came off of my arms, I was able to keep the size up.
The waist measurement is a little misleading. I have a fair amount of fat on my lower back still, and take the measurement at the navel. It doesn’t look nearly as bad as the number indicates. My top abs can just be seen if I flex them, and am in the right light, and delusional I’m wearing 34 waist jeans now.
The future:
On to the 6 pack. Fat loss has really slowed down in recent weeks, so I will make the following changes:
Drop almost all carbs except Surge pre/post w/out and fresh veggies.
Add in some low intensity cardio in the PM. This will be easy as I have a Lifecycle at home.
If 2 weeks of this doesn’t spur further fat loss, I will have to start counting calories again - but I think it will work fine.
Just a quick note on some other changes. I use androgel, and last time I had my T levels checked I was at 892 total. I really believe that as my fat levels have dropped, my T has risen. I am getting levels checked again this month, and will not be surprised if I am over 1000. I am as horny as a 3 balled tom cat.
Other people:
“Why are you dieting? You don’t need to lose weight.” Always from a younger, pudgy man. Woman seem to get it more readily.
Last weekend from a female friend I see maybe once every 60-90 days: “51? I would have thought you were about 40.” That one was nice. I do look younger without the flab.
The wife: Not really thrilled, unfortunately. I get the feeling that she felt “safer” when I was heavy. Not true, but that is another subject entirely. Just want to note that you can do this without a support system.
Actually strike that - I do have one here on this site. All my workout and nutrition stuff is Cosgrove/Berardi, although I have to note that I am a terrible cheater, and progress would have been much faster if it was otherwise. I would guess compliance at about 80%.
I will post again when I hit my goal, and include pics.