What a bench day and I deviated from the plan.
Warmups with the bar for 12 reps 3 different handplacements 4 reps each.
Stretch and warm shoulders.
Then 12 with 95 same as above.
Then 135 for 9 varying the hand placement 3 time 3 reps each.
Now to get serious. Sets of 10 with 175 that felt strangely light.
Then 200 lbs for 10 reps and again real light.
So I decided to not do 215 for 10. I went to 225 and proceeded to do the set. About the 8th rep I discovered I was not feeling tired, then at 10 I ddid not want to put the bar back. So I went to 12 reps and stopped because I was shocked at what I had done. Normally I would then do a down set, but I kept the weight at 225 and did another set of 12, an incredible PR.
Then to the decline dumbbell presses 3 sets of 10 with 60 and need to use more weight. This should make my chest look perky.
Dumbbell rows, 3 sets of 12 with 60lbs. To back up the bench.
Shoulder trisets 2 of them with 20 lbs dumbbells and 10 reps each exercise. These were side laterals front raises then rear flys. My wife likes my shoulders.
Overhead tricep extensions, 3 sets of 12 with 60, 70, then 65. This will toughen them up so the wife cannot take such a big bite out of them.
Barbell curls sets of 12 with 40, 60, and 70. I am now getting an admiring glance from a nookie girl. Damn life is good when you are a dirty old man.
Then decline crunches for 4 sets of 15 and outta there in an hour and 5 minutes.
I am stoked, I am fired up, and there will be old people kissing tonight. Might even make the step kids sick and kiss in front of them.