It looks decent to me, but I haven’t run 531 in a while and am not particularly familiar with the newer setups.
One thing I might offer is that you could probably go higher in reps on the assistance and vary it from week to week in terms of exercise, sets and reps. My understanding is that Jim recommends something like 50 reps each of a push, pull and single leg. Maybe just work within that?
Also, when running 531 I did find that deadlift could benefit from being treated a little differently. I found FSL really, really tough. I’m guessing SSL may be similar.
I’ve done two workouts now and I changed the above layout I initially put up.
One of the reasons I switched to 531 is that the workouts appeared to be shorter. I got tired of grueling linear workouts that would make me feel horrible after 4-6 weeks.
On squat day I’ll do pushups and facepulls with back extensions
On bench day I supersetted seated rows with bench. Then I did some incline dumbbell presses followed by farmer walks.
So some of the assistance exercises are a lot less stressful and thus quicker to finish
For day 2 I would move face pulls to the front of the workout and try for 100 reps of whatever triceps move is easy on your elbows or renegade rows.they are really great post bench they help build your brace and keep core strong for the main you work into week 12 or so youll want to have your dumbell press in the 5 sets of 10 range if possible volume works well in the accessory work
day 4 if possible run your curls on a fat bar or use dumbell hammercurls youll build thickness across the forearm and biceps, that width will actually help in bench press and grip strength will help with deads