Mr Wendler Could You Critique My Template Please Sir?

Good Morning Mr Wendler and greeting from Wales, United Kingdom. I was recently advised to buy your books in an effort to learn about getting strong and being out of shape and new to lifting I did so and it was money well spent.
I love the no BS approach and the easy way it was put together. I feel i have definitely learned alot from both your books. Im now ready to put what ive learned into practice. I can see your a strong advocate of balance, and as such i am going to lift 3 times a week and do some hill walking, jumps and stretching, all this i have no problem with but if possible could you give me the thumbs up on the following template please. I feel it falls under the principles you teach but cant hurt in making sure. Apologizes in advance im certain you see all to many of these types of threads from new people.
-Fat Brett


Squat 5/3/1 sets/reps
Bench 5x5 @ 70% week1, 75% week2, 80% week 3

inverted rows dips curls


Deadlift – 5/3/1 sets/reps 2-3x5 @FLS?
Press – 5/3/1 sets/reps 2-3x5 @FLS?

chins push ups shrugs


Bench – 5/3/1 sets/reps
Squat – 5x5 @ 70% week1, 75% week2, 80% week 3

inverted rows dips curls

You have no:

mobility work
no jumping/throwing
no recovery work
no conditioning work/goals

I don’t agree with your assistance work - using the three categories and “total reps” that can be found on this forum makes training much easier to program. This is something that is fairly new to the program so check it out.

Check out Rattus’ posts about how to easily program training. You are on the right track but are stuck with thinking training is a template - when it fact, you need to take 5 steps back to look at the bigger picture and a longer time frame.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out Mr Wendler. Your right i wasnt aware of the total rep system as they dont appear in the 2 books of yours i bought. I had a look over this forums this afternoon and have revised what i wrote above i hope you approve:

Agile 8 once a day every day
2 mile walk every day

Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)

Squat 5/3/1 sets/reps or 5s Pro?
Bench 5x5 @ 70% week1, 75% week2, 80% week 3

inverted rows 50 reps dips 50 reps back extensions 50 reps

Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)

Deadlift – 5/3/1 sets/reps or 5s Pro? 2-3x5 @FLS?
Press – 5/3/1 sets/reps or 5s Pro? 2-3x5 @FLS?

chins 50 reps push ups 50 reps hanging leg raises 50 reps


Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)

Bench – 5/3/1 sets/reps or 5s Pro?
Squat – 5x5 @ 70% week1, 75% week2, 80% week 3

inverted rows 50 reps dips 50 reps curls 50 reps

After reading some threads on this forums, i believe i have the right idea, please correct me if im still somehow making mistakes. I understand this type of thing is probably tedious to you but i appreciate it greatly and look forward to your new book.

Cycles 1-2: start with 85% TM

Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)

Squat 5’s PRO
Bench 5x5 @ SSL

inverted rows 50 reps dips 50 reps back extensions 50 reps

Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)

Deadlift – 5’s PRO - 5x5 @ SSL
Press – 5’s PRO - 5x5 @ SSL

chins 50 reps push ups 50 reps hanging leg raises 50 reps


Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)

Bench – 5’s PRO
Squat – 5x5 @ SSL

7th Week Protocol after second cycle is over

Let’s not use a sledgehammer either.

Cycles 3-4 - switch to 3/5/1 - only go for PR’s on 1 and 3rd week.

Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)

Squat 5/3/1 sets/reps - PR sets
Bench 5x5 @ FSL

inverted rows 50 reps dips 50 reps back extensions 50 reps

Agile 8
box jumps 20

Deadlift – 5/3/1 sets/reps - PR sets, 3x5 FSL
Press – 5/3/1 sets/reps - PR sets, 3x5 FSL

chins 50 reps push ups 50 reps hanging leg raises 50 reps


Agile 8
box jumps 20

Bench – 5/3/1 sets/reps - PR sets
Squat – 5x5 @ FSL

inverted rows 50 reps dips 50 reps curls 50 reps

  • You can increase your assistance work on the cycles 3/4, if you want.

  • I’d rather see you log some running (not jogging or sprinting) rather than running - unless you are very overweight.

Thanks so much for this Jim, truly. I will follow this like the gospel.

edit: Oops just noticed SSL, cant find this in your books, maybe im being a retard, whats it an abbreviation for please?

SSL - Simplest strength template

SSL is Second Set Last. You’re probably familiar with FSL - First Set Last.


So as an example:

5s week is


For 5x5 SSL, you’d use 75x5x5.


Ahh gotcha cheers pal

Could anybody explain how 3/5/1 works please?, is it as below? i must be blind ive read 5/3/1 and beyond but cant seem to find the answer.

week 1 - 3s@ 70 80 90%
week 2 - 5s@ 65 75 85%
week 3 - 3/5/1@ 85 75 95%??

thanks lads

Sorry, I think I have to get my brain switched on before i’m writing…


Yep, that’s it.

Using 5s PRO, it would look like this:

Week 1 - 70%x5, 80%x5, 90%x5
Week 2 - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Week 3 - 75%x5, 85%x5, 95%x5

Try searching this forum using the terms “medium, light, heavy” or “3/5/1” and a lot of great discussion will pop up.

cycles 3-4 he dropped the 5s pro in favor of the 3/5/1 with pr sets on 1st and 3rd week.

Jim could you elaborate on the 7th week protocol please? I understand its something new that isnt in your 5/3/1 and beyond books, which im getting my deload information from atm. Thanks.