So last night I was doing my back workout when I felt a slight “pop” and then had an instant tightening of my left lat. The pain and stiffness is at the very bottom of my lat, in towards the spine.
Right after this happened I could hardly bend over from the waist, but was able to stretch the muscle and had full range of movement. Every time I would bend over though I would have the wind knocked out of me from the pain and my back would tighten up.
I took some Tylenol and used heat and a massage chair on it last night. It felt pretty good before going to bed but about an hour after I went to bed it started hurting worse than anything I felt before. I still have my range of movement but it’s very painful to lie down.
Anyway any advice on how to heal up from this? It hurts like a b@itch so I’ll try anything lol. I figure if it doesn’t get better in a few days I’ll go to the doctor to see if I tore the muscle.
Thanks for your help!
Cliff Notes Version:
-Extreme Pain
-Some numbness/tingling
-Very Stiff
-Full range of motion
-No bruising
-Not tender to the touch
Any advice to help heal faster?
Massage chair, ice, heat, advil is about all you can do.
Lucky for you, you have a wonderful fiance that will pick up the 12 packs for ya haha
If you are going to continue to train- Extra warm-up work re-gardless of what bodypart you working.
[quote]CuTiger wrote:
Massage chair, ice, heat, advil is about all you can do.
Lucky for you, you have a wonderful fiance that will pick up the 12 packs for ya haha[/quote]
Haha who had her first post on T-Nation in my worthless/bitching thread!
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
If you are going to continue to train- Extra warm-up work re-gardless of what bodypart you working. [/quote]
yea I’ll still be lifting. I’m taking today off to rest it but that should be about it.
I suspect I did my warm-ups too heavy yesterday.
I say roll on it like crazy with a foam roll or with a tennis ball up against a wall.
I pulled my hammy twice this summer. Both times I was rolling on in with in minutes afterwards and rolled a few times a day every day. In each case I was pain free in two weeks. I’ve never recovered from hamstring pulls that fast before.